dress for the job you want?


Well-Known Member
Black T-shirt (usually a band shirt). Cargo pants or dingy looking jeans. Dr. Martens' Men's Triumph 2, Ka-bar short strapped to my hip, and a hoodie that says "I'm A Nobody" With a Giant anarchy sign for the "A".

What's that tell ya' ?

On the offside, I do own a suit and even know how to tie a tie. Even have a nice pair of dress shoes, and dress socks.


Well-Known Member
My job isnt bad but it feels like a waste of 40 hours of my life every week lol. I mean what I do is easy, but its just so damn boring and if my job disappeared tomorrow no impact on the real world would come of it so whats the fucking point ya know? Would much rather just have to wake up and grow but there is still time in my life for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
The saying was an old school saying, meaning dress for success and you'll obtain success. While I agree with the concept I disagree in because you're catering to shallow people. That said, people, and particularly some industries are shallow. I've experienced this many times over. My day job requires a certain dress code, not a suit but dress clothes. I get treated completely different than when I'm dressed in normal evening/weekend clothes (jeans, sweats etc.), try it sometime and you'll likely experience the same thing.


Well-Known Member
The saying was an old school saying, meaning dress for success and you'll obtain success. While I agree with the concept I disagree in because you're catering to shallow people. That said, people, and particularly some industries are shallow. I've experienced this many times over. My day job requires a certain dress code, not a suit but dress clothes. I get treated completely different than when I'm dressed in normal evening/weekend clothes (jeans, sweats etc.), try it sometime and you'll likely experience the same thing.
Pics or it didn't happen...


Active Member
The saying was an old school saying, meaning dress for success and you'll obtain success. While I agree with the concept I disagree in because you're catering to shallow people. That said, people, and particularly some industries are shallow. I've experienced this many times over.
Any industry where you can make a very good living is gonna have a dress code , or advancement based on personal appearance , even the construction industry where everybody gets dirty , your appearance can hold you back & its fuked .

I would never post the company name where i worked for decades under my real account but since this is a temp account i dont care , i worked for Skanska construction which is one of the top 10 largest worldwide construction companies for decades , i was told to my face that i would never go any higher than superintendant/project manager due to my looks , one of the big wigs from the home office in Sweden told me flat out i looked like a member of the Hells Angles because im sleeved out & nearly a full shirt of tattoos , my tats, beard & bald head make me look scary to business people i was told .

At corporate meetings i met all the other project managers from all over the world & none looked like me , most were pencil necks who never swung a hammer & went to college to learn construction mnmgt vs hands on , i was the only 1 who worked up the ladder & made it to upper tier management but the tats stopped me from going higher up where i had a company BMW vs a company truck .

Fukin tats cost me a $500,000 a year position , anybody reading this trust & believe appearance counts , big time .