Dresser - 3 Sq. Ft. - 20,600 Lumens - Hydro


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
They will sprucen up dont worry :).
Yea, they are already starting to look a little more alive. I think they are diggin the new Nute mix. Hopefully... Bout time you got that MH up and running!

yea ...but i love growing in bubbleponics .. dont u? .. its awesome .. and i love the root shots and being able to just lift up the lid and see the roots .. its pretty sweet haha
This is my first time using hydro and I must say, I won't go any other way. I feel like I have precise control over everything. I think it's a little more work than soil but it makes me feel more involved.

Day 17 - pH 5.6 - 435 ppm - Temp 77 - RH 61%
The new Res Change seems to be helping. No Signs of Nute Burns or anything yet. The new growth is looking nice and green and seems to be coming in fast. The Secondary growth is really taking off too. The best part is when I put my nose right up by them... the smell they are starting to get.. nice. I think all of the plants are different, diff. growth patterns, diff. smell, diff. look. Will be interesting to smoke whichever turn out to be females.
ALMOST FORGOT, I also went and bought another Air Pump today. That is now 2 - 60-80 gallon Whisper Air Pumps hooked up to 2 - Flex Tube things. Alot more bubbles in there so that should help. I felt the bubbles were weaker on one side so I figured I would even that out by hooking each tube up to its own Air Pump. Should be some more Pics tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
Love the stealth of this grow. And that's shitty about the yeast burning them. HAHA your plants have yeast infections! Vagistat, STAT!


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Love the stealth of this grow. And that's shitty about the yeast burning them. HAHA your plants have yeast infections! Vagistat, STAT!
Lol Sublime. I don't know if the mixture did anything or not to them but the one that got hit the worst is looking a lot better but still way behind the others.

Day 18 - pH 5.8 - 420 ppm :joint: - Temp 77 - RH 57
Alright, My babies are looking good. They seem to be enjoying the nute mixture and everything seems to be staying right on track. Hopefully it stays this way. What do you guys think about Topping or FIM? The two bigger ones are growing a lot faster and I was thinking of doing something like that to them and then when the other two catch up just turning them straight to flower instead of top or fimming. Let me know what you guys think about this.. I have never tried it before but looks interesting.
Also the ones that were looking a little more sad I think have perked up a little.

On with the Pictures!
First of all, I took a picture for proof. Seems like a good Ratio :joint:

A Pic of each. The pic of the biggest plant is sort of a closer pic.. I will take one a little further out to show the size next time. Second pic/plant has the strongest smell already.

The overhead of them all.

Check out the secondary growth. The one in the bottom left corner in the pic above I BET is going to be a bushy one..

And for these damn roots. Things have to be about 2 feet dangling beneath the pot. The one is finally starting to root outside the 5 1/2 pot a little.. should start to pick up soon I think.


Well-Known Member
No problem. It's just fun knowing how you can totally manipulate your plants into doing basically whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. The roots on there are out of this world!!! Make sure you have enough space if you're going to top.

I don't plan on doing it I don't think because theres 10 plants growing and I don't want an issue with space.

I can't believe how good these look.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good Oscar. Keep Us Posted On The Progress. Keep Doing What Your Doing And Those Plants Will Do Fine.



Well-Known Member
hey in the earlier pics of your plants, they looked like they stretched a good amount, mak sure they are as close as possible with out burning them


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
hey in the earlier pics of your plants, they looked like they stretched a good amount, mak sure they are as close as possible with out burning them
In the first pic of the lil seedlings were a little stretched. At the time I only had 1 - 70w hps light. I JUST got done measuring them and the two biggest were only 4 inches tall, the other 3.5 and the other was about 3. Right now I am keeping them about 1"-2" below CFL's and about 2"-3" below HPS. I didn't really think they were stretching that much since I have transplanted to Hydro.

Day 19 - pH 5.8 - 405 ppm - Temp 75 - RH 55
Still looking good. I can see on earlier growth the damage I did with my mess up on the nutes. The plants seem to keep getting bigger n bigger though. I hope the bottom left one turns out to be female.. she has little white crystals or something all over her leaves and she smells incredible.
So, I got to thinking that with two pumps at the size I have.. I should be getting more air bubbles. So i bought a 4" test air stone.. The real skinny light blue ones that have suction cups on it you find at Pet stores. Damn, that thing puts out some bubbles! I am going to go buy two of the 12" long ones tomorrow, Bubbles should get crazy in there. Might have to take it back down to one pump because of too much splashing.. we`ll see. More pics tomorrow- They've grown more!


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Alright- let me just say, FUCK. I went to top two of my plants, blazed as hell. Bad idea, should have been straight before I did that. I parted my babies wings and slipped a nail clipper in there. Took a snip and noticed I got it... but I also got one of the branches I didn't want to. I cut into it about half way, I mean it will still be fine but that one branch might die. It was a single main branch on the 5th node about 3/8" from stem. I propped the branch up to close the wound a little, doubt it will help but I figured I would just let it go and see if it heals. Other than that the topping/fim (should be FuckIReallyMissed) went well. Anyways, valuable lesson learned today. Don't get hella blazed before you take anything sharp near your plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure everything will be fine - no sense in beating yourself up over it. Nice setup and the best of luck.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
I'm sure everything will be fine - no sense in beating yourself up over it. Nice setup and the best of luck.
Good point. The plants seems to be living with it fine. Thanks for stopping by and saying something.

Day 20 - pH 6.5 - 371 ppm - Temp 75 - RH 52%
The plants still seem to be doing fine. No Crazy growth since I topped plants last night. I took a bunch of pics to show how much secondary growth is going on. Since the PPM have dropped almost 100ppm I upped it back up to 410 ppm. If they drink any faster I will up the nutes. Here is all the pics- let me know what you think. ALMOST forgot. Last night I also added two small fans that don't take up grow room. I am pretty sure I can keep temps down EASILY in the summer with these in there. Forgot to mention, after noticing pH rose to 6.5, I adjusted back to 5.8.

First off, let me show you the pics of the fans I added. These I ripped out of a Dual window fan. These work perfect and plug straight into wall. I cut and re-wired everything to suite my needs- Very good air flow and being so close to the lights it keeps it real cool in there when needed.

The classic overview then a pic of each- for some reason the overview just does not do them justice in this pic. Also, I must admit, this system would work better if growing only 1 strain. I can't adjust my Nutes for the ones wanting more or the ones wanting less.

Here is a nice side view with a lighter to show height comparison.

These 3 pics are of the same plant- this one is growing nice. Threw in a pic of it Topped.

This plant here, the one I cut into when I was topping... has incredible undergrowth it seems like. Maybe its just me- I kinda like the looks of it though.. Hoping for a female on this one.

Root Pics- In the second pic I turned off the lights so you can see just how long these things are.

Check out the difference these air stones make. The First pic is how it was, the last pic is how it is now.

Well, thats about it for now. I`ll post another pic update in a couple days. What ya guys think so far?


Well-Known Member
That fan looks badass! The roots are looking superb now as well. And don't worry about the topping mishap. Unless you completely severred it, there's a very good chance it will heal.


Well-Known Member
Man I love this setup. These things are growing fast under your setup. They look good man. I enjoy reading your updates!


Well-Known Member
I to would not worry about cutting the branch. I have one plant that I snapped one of the braches to the point it was hanging from a small piece of meat all I did was tape it for a few days so that is stood on its own and it has grown great ever since!! Those plants are looking good by the way!
