Active Member
definitely dont do it and thats for anyone. think about the risk and if you can handle that amount of time definitly not worth it.
You gonna compress it? Seems kind of a shame to go all that way and then mess up a good thing. But 10lb of bud is a pretty good sized package uncompressed.
Sounds like a road trip with dumb and dumber.
yeah, you sound like a capitals fan
In a grand marqui if I remember correct theres a nice big spot under the back seat too... Vaccuum seal twice, vasoline rub, vaccuum seal again.
def. doable.
i know a guy who does something similar...
drives to colorado and back. you know what they say: NO GUTS NO GLORY.
For ten pounds, the Grand Marquis seems like an ideal car. It's bulletproof; there is all sorts of volume that can be made into an airtight compartment, and at 85k it's still a young machine. Plus it's an "older people" car, unless it's no longer stock ...
Tell me more about how you'd fabricate the false-back compartment. Will it be sealed airtight, as in run it into a lake, drag it out of 100 feet of water, and the bud will still be dry? cn
I have all the perfect connections out there its hard not to want to try this
sometimes too good to be true is just that. i've had 10lbs in my trunk a few times but only for a couple hundred miles, i wouldn't do it again unless there was an outrageous reward, especially from cali to new england?thats a looooooong time for me not to smoke weed. it can be done obviously, someone here told me to wrap it up in wallpaper, the vinyl kind, for shipping, but i just wrapped the hell out of mine and mailed it, twernt no 10 elbows tho, good luck
exactly I was raised like that, my pops used to rent a uhaul truck and go down to all the southern fireworks.shops load his truck up then sell em.out his trunk or garage when he would get home. remember prohibition is just a gift of revenue to organized crime!
Crossing state lines = federal crime= federal time= not worth it...... !0 lbs could get you 10 +years....
Weed can be grown anywhere man. You act as if denver is the only city in colorado and you also act like cali and denver are the only places that produce weed.If everyone had that attitude there would be no weed east of the Rocky's. If it weren't for people driving to Cali and Denver and back most people would have no weed these days. You acan't even get mexican weed around here and this is Texas. Just sayin'
If everyone had that attitude there would be no weed east of the Rocky's. If it weren't for people driving to Cali and Denver and back most people would have no weed these days. You acan't even get mexican weed around here and this is Texas. Just sayin'