Driving On Salvia


Well-Known Member
That was some funny shit. makes me wanna go drive on slavia.

seems like salvia is safer to drive while on then anything else. wont ever go anywhere


Active Member
At least he wasn't already driving when he took his toke!!
That cat must have blew his mind! LOL!
I'm still not used to DMT yet.I think I'll hold off on the Salvia for a little while!


Well-Known Member
even if the keys were in the ignition i still dont think he would have gotten to turn it on.


Well-Known Member
Who in their right mind thinks they could actually drive a car under the influence of salvia......Thats idiotic, and irresponsible.

Sit in your apt, house whatever, and smoke it......be fucking responsible, how damn immature is trying to drive under the influence, when you damn well know its not possible. Its not even fk'n possible to make a peanut and jelly sandwitch on salvia (also a video), much less drive.......if you know what salvia is capable of, what makes you think you can act normal under its influence, when its more of a dissociative psychadellic.......It dissociates you from your surroundings......

There seems to be a bunch of idiots in this world, that want to try anything for the sake of doing it........much less the repercussions.

Mabey i'm the only person that feels that way when i read the title of this thread, screw watching the video, use that shit god gave you to make responsible decissions.....Now i sound like i'm preaching. Salvia isint a toy, have some respect.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you were in a parking lot it might be fun. I would love to take a hit and parachute. I bet there would be some cool visuals.


Well-Known Member
Go over to shroomery and look up DMT and Parachuting, a guy did it and wrote up a report, very good read, but its not recommended at all, and iirc he barely had time to pull the chute after coming to, though he throughouly recommended it lol.

Even with salvia, i typically fall through many layers with very little and the visuals are wildly intense, but they start and come from enviromental cues around you, the irrisistable vortex, walls and corners that turn into Escheresque worlds, enviromental cues fire off and the trip goes inside, mental dialog gets very poetic and alive. Why would you want to be trapped in a damn car? Again mabey its just me, but personally salvia is too powerful and spiritual, I wouldn't want to sit in a parking lot while i tripped on sally, save it till she has your full attention and nothing can distract you. I love sally d, treat her with respect, and she will in return.

Though i do agree parachutting would be extreemly spiritual and enlightning on salvia.


Active Member
Who in their right mind thinks they could actually drive a car under the influence of salvia......Thats idiotic, and irresponsible.

Sit in your apt, house whatever, and smoke it......be fucking responsible, how damn immature is trying to drive under the influence, when you damn well know its not possible. Its not even fk'n possible to make a peanut and jelly sandwitch on salvia (also a video), much less drive.......if you know what salvia is capable of, what makes you think you can act normal under its influence, when its more of a dissociative psychadellic.......It dissociates you from your surroundings......

There seems to be a bunch of idiots in this world, that want to try anything for the sake of doing it........much less the repercussions.

Mabey i'm the only person that feels that way when i read the title of this thread, screw watching the video, use that shit god gave you to make responsible decissions.....Now i sound like i'm preaching. Salvia isint a toy, have some respect.
Hell, I have a hard enough time walking to the grocery store while tripping on LSD. I sure as hell can't imagine doing Salvia or DMT anywhere except on my couch,bed or out in the woods with trusted friends! You know, the ones that will calm you down, not try to freak you out so they can get a good laugh at you!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Agreed SL, calm surroundings, calm people = amazing experience on all levels, social, etc...

I dispise being around people when i'm trying to smoke salvia, and negative people in general. Laughing friends in a salvia trip only brings you down, as loud sounds connect your body back to the earth. People greatly underestimate salvia's potential because they do it in the wrong surroundsings and around the wrong people, set and setting people.......

Positive people are always great to be around, they lift you up, not pull you down or heed your flow, and those laughting care nothing for whats going on deep inside your head, which needs silence to make the most out of.....they only think of themselves and there one moment of hysterical laughter at your expense while you try to wonder why the world finds you so funny......


Active Member
Though i do agree parachutting would be extreemly spiritual and enlightning on salvia.
I've done shrooms on a skydive. think it was like over an 8'er. Let me tell you, i've never tried salvia, but i have jumped..a lot. Jumping on shrooms was the most intense thing I've ever done. Just imagine that instead of like a small patch of grass moving around unexpectedly its the ocean and beaches of Florida looking all Fockin HUGE AND WIGGLY, dont even get me started on the clouds youre going through OMG then when you try to land your parachute and you're doing the james bond theme music thing. LOL there is no way you could jump on salvia. Maybe if you did a tandem jump.. where can i get salvia? hahaha:joint::joint: