Drooping all day


Well-Known Member
These plants are 5 weeks old on 18/6 light schedule. I underfed them a bit when they were seedlings but think I have sorted that out now. However every morning they are drooping and it takes them about 8 hrs to perk up. Is this normal or is it a problem. Thanks
The leaves look a lot like the MAC Muffin I'm growing right now, the leaves never pray on that plant for me where my creamsicle plants point up like arrowheads. I think it's genetics, they look good other than the old growth but you already fixed that. You might have too high of air humidity and or need temps to be higher to perk them up.
Its usually over/under watering or to much light. My guess is the light. Vegging plants don't need much. Only 300-500. Leaves should be praying in the morning. Dim your light for a day or two and see how they react. They reach when wanting more light and droop when they are exhausted from light beating em up. Download photone app to get your par reading and dli.
That being said what wattage and height is your light?
he said leafs drop 8h then get better. with light would go other way around.
Not true. They would perk up after they have rested. And my guess they probably stay up only a couple hours then droop again. Lets see what he says about his light power. Light should always be 1st fix cus its the easiest. Then u go to the next potential fix just like a mechanic trouble shooting. And whenever there's any issue u lower light power a bit. U dont wanna blast light on any plant with issues. It will make matters worse.