drooping and bent over... Need help...

Okay, I have 7 plants. One of them I noticed just a couple of hours or so ago, is that its all bent over drooping A LOT, and just looks bad.

This is the only plant that looked like this. Just want to be sure if I need to do anything special now to help out. Its looking better when i took the pics below about 30 mins ago.

I know I need bigger pot as well, just have been real busy and sick... lol

So im going out now to get that. Is there anything speacial that would need to be done since this has happened?

any advice would be very appreciated.

Brick Top

New Member
I know my old eyes are not all they used to be but you said "Its looking better when i took the pics below about 30 mins ago" but I failed to see any pictures. Did I miss something here on my end or miss a link because I did not see either?

From what you wrote my pure assumption is the cause is a root-bound condition. Plants will need watering much more often and will wilt easier because of it either due to too little water or excessive watering when someone overcompensates for the pot's/soil's inability to retain adequate moisture for a long enough period of time. As I said that is only a guess but since you did say you know the plant needs to be in a bigger pot that would be my first guess lacking anything visual to go by.