Drooping and not drooping

got five?

hey guys i was wondering why da hell my ladys get very sad looking and then after i water they puff up and look great then a few hours later they go back to sad and droopy. they look good other than that.. thanks in advance!:leaf:


got five?

yeah its in foxfarms soil and i only used superthrive once after i transplanted awhile back other than that i just use filter water.


Active Member
ive always heard that the drooping after being watered was normal, but excess drooping was from over-watering.


New Member
Looks to too much watering, I think you should stop watering for about 3 days and only give small amounts of water, other than that they look great.


Well-Known Member
well it doesn't look like you nute problems. but i wouldnt wait till they are bone dry to water. it confuses the plant. you should water when its not moist about 2 inches down. you can get a cheap moisture meeter, or just use your finger. and if you dont have a PH meter, get one. its crucial to your plants being able to bring in the proper nutrients to do the right job. when watering, you want to try and avoid starving your plants, and then douching your plants. they are going to wonder what the hell you are trying to do when all they want to do is grow grow grow.


Well-Known Member
your plants look great by the way. this should be a very easy fix when you figure it out. nice work.