Drooping leaves.. Is this a concern?

Both of my seedlings (afghan kush) are drooping a little bit but seeing this is my first grow, I'm not sure if this is normal or a problem. I'm growing in hempy buckets and have not begun using nutes yet, watering once a day until a little water comes out the hole.

Here are pics



Active Member
Not suure if u should water them so much, u dont want rot, but mine have been doing that then standing tall then drooping, wonderin the same thing
I read that isn't an issue with hempy buckets as any excess runs off plus I don't think the tap root would be at the bottom of the bucket yet.


Active Member
I dont know , u got a different set up and those are seeds , right?? I got clones and only had them for seven days in some smaller pots and the roots wer already at the bottom so i moved them to 4 gallon square pots, thats the only other thing that might help, im still learning