drooping leaves


Active Member
the leaves on my plant seem to be drooping somewhat downward, they are not dry or burnt from what i can see it seems also like its more of the small leaves than big ones, sorry i dont have any pictures they r sleeping right now, it is the second week of flowering any thoughts on what i might be doing wrong? also there isnt any discoloration either
thanks a lot for your help!


Active Member
i had the same thing happen to mine i just gave them some water lowered down the temp and theyre looking fine now


Active Member
her 002.jpg

her 003.jpg

her 006.jpg

her 010.jpgThis is my first grow she's a white widow clone and about 5 weeks old and still on veg. i thought i had a toxic salt build up due to thin leaves starting to grow . This morning i leached her them left her an came back a few hours later 2 find that shes got spots on her leaves and seemed to have a shine like there was residue on leaves . It wasnt sticky or anything though. The spots are a pale yellow coulor and 1 leaf a section of the end is like it has dried up its not yellow though. Ive been growing in bio bizz all mix and using bio bizz veg. sorry about sketchy post but am noob at this . Any help or advice would be much appreciated. thanks


Active Member
hi ive not misted i only leached then that seemed 2 happen straight after. Some of the leaves have stayed greenish but started
dying 1 min just take some more pics


Well-Known Member
even if it was from water it blocks the leaves.
to start the curled edges are from heat and the spots are probably ph. what is the ph off water and of food, and run off, and how much did you run through it.
the dark green is usualy nitrogen toxisity
and what for soil