Drooping Plants (Day 23 of Veg)


Active Member
I am not sure what is going on with my plants. Up until today they have been very perky, but this morning I went in and all of them look like they are sleeping. Can someone help me diagnose what is going on?

The growth seems to be excellent as I already have roots growing through the bottom of the pots. I've been battling some nutrient issues, but I thought it was solved, maybe not?? Please help
~15 plants
~5x600w hps lights
~hydroponic drain to waste system
~2.5 gallon mesh bottom pots with ready grow and hydro ton mixture
~5 trays (3x3) with mushroom bags each tray for CO2

You can see what they looked like a few days ago in this link https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/430047-cyco-nutrients-1st-grow.html


Active Member
They were not sleeping at the time of this picture. The light schedule is from 4pm to 10am and this picture was taken at about 8:30am.


Well-Known Member
your pots are too most likely too small and probably root-bound. so transplant them and they'll perk up. make sure you fill the pots all the way to the top. then water the soil completely so it settles then add more if needed and move your plant in. there is no reason not to use as much of the pot as possible. it looks like you have a four inch gap between the soil and the top of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Cheers bro :)
You are going to run rather inefficient with only 15 plants under 5 600w hps. But you may have reasons for that. What is your watering schedule, temps, humidity etc.? The look of your plants reminds me of mine when I put them under the hps to soon or when I over water. The next thing I was going to mention is nute strength, but I think you are cutting back already :)
Tell us a bit more about your environment...


Active Member
ok update......I have recently cut back the watering schedule to 1x every 24 hrs (at the beginning of the light cycle..16x8) they are 27 into veg from cutting, hps all the way (400w first 2 wks)
~average rh is day/night 50/65%
~temp day/night 85/73 (at pot height under canopy)
~3 osculating fans
~PH 5.8/6.0
~Cyco nutrients
The plants look great now, thanks for the over watering tip.....new problem a few of my lemon drops r curling inward (taco-like) and getting brown spots. Also my state only lets me have 15 plants and the fish bowl theory theory applies to mmj too, more space (and more light) = more growth.


Active Member
I am amazed at the growth of these girls. The pictures of the smaller plants were taken eight days ago.