Drooping plants


Well-Known Member
I have a rather large grwing going on, its my 1st time using a DWC system. just switiched from muilt systems to 1 very large system, i have then growing under a 2 sunsystem 8 bulbs HO veg systems (in veg for about another week) I changed water last night and right before they went to bed i went to check on them all the leaves on all the plants were drooping. they were still very healthy looking and still very strong but the branches are arched downward. could this be due to to much nute's? someone please help me!!!!

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
I have a rather large grwing going on, its my 1st time using a DWC system. just switiched from muilt systems to 1 very large system, i have then growing under a 2 sunsystem 8 bulbs HO veg systems (in veg for about another week) I changed water last night and right before they went to bed i went to check on them all the leaves on all the plants were drooping. they were still very healthy looking and still very strong but the branches are arched downward. could this be due to to much nute's? someone please help me!!!!
too many nutes...high heat...over water. lots of possibilites..what nutes are they gettin?? temps in the grow room?? got any pics?


Active Member
make sure its not root rot!!! i had roopy saggy leafs and it turned out to be root rot! But then again i dont really know much.. check the roots tho! and post pictures


Well-Known Member
figured out what it was.. rather stupid really just had the fan way to direct and way to high. was pushing the breaches down. the light is to intense for my camera even @ 8.1 megapixels but i have an ok picture of the room. still in the works. have 2 1000 watter's hps's 2 fans full vent fully controlled room :D
gonna flash the system today and start pre-flowering :D

pic is from about a week ago. massive growth since then



Well-Known Member
SO i have seem to notice that at about 2 hours before bed time the plants start to droop but when they wake up they are perker as hell. could this be due to the heat. take a look @ my pic i post above. tell me what u think about light height. take into consideration that there are a total of 16 54watt high output 4 ft tubes

Please let me know. plants look awesome! just bag seed but i think we got rather lucky, have quite a few sativias :)