Drooping problems

Had problems with this since the start, my plants are now 6 weeks in veg. its my first time indoors but i have done outdoor for a few years. I watered 3 days ago and they drooped, i put a few holes in the soil and by the morning they all look very healthy, they then started to droop so i watered today and now theyre drooping even more than before, this is very frustrating, the soil feels dry before i water and wait for signs but how can it be a big problem for me? is it really watering thats doing all this. it seems like such a simple thing and i cant get it right. theyre in 5 gallon pots. i water around 1.5 litres each plant and have been trying different lengths of time of drying out to try get right but they always seem droopy


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie, but overwatering (over fert too!) is common for us :) Do you check 1-1,5 half inch deep test for moisture?

Sometimes it looks and feels dry from surface but its wet inside. But do you really want help from experienced growers, photos is a must,



Well-Known Member
place bricks, thick tiles, et al, between pan and bottom of pot to assure air-flow, and complete drainage. maybe an extra fan, aimed at bottom of pots for a couple of days. I bet that soil became dense. give each pot a little squeeze. spin pot and repeat a couple of times to create air-spaces. plants should perk up, imo.
Thought id update this for anyone who has the same issue or was interested. I got a bigger fan and raised them up a little off the pans. I still have a slight issue with drooping after watering but they all look amazing anyway. they will be 8 weeks into veg tomorrow, altho theyre short theyre very bushy. 1 week until they go into 12/12. first indoor grow and im happy with how things are looking. have 2x 600 hps on them now, 8 plants total. temps are now getting upto a max of 80 farenheight with the extra hps on them


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Well-Known Member
Imo 1.5 litres aint much and at certain stages of growth would be used in less than a day in my 5 g pots
Cheers for the reply, any input is appreciated. Maybe i will try slowing down the rate i water them, i found at around 1.5 litres i get a few drips out the bottom which i thought they were all pretty much covered. will try for more, thanks. theyre using alot more water now theyre bigger
Sorry i should be making another thread but I am using half my tent at the moment as seen in pictures is half of it. currently trying to work which will give me the best harvest weather to keep all plants over that side and keep the 1200watts on all 8 plants and maybe move them out a little if needed or move half over the other side and have 600watts on 4 each. I was thinking about switching to 12/12 tomorrow, Should i tie main colas down to try get more light around the plant. Tent is a 10 x 5. is it worth using all the space i have and keep them spread apart
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Active Member
to the OP of this thread, i do the lifting method meaning when you water the pot feel the weight of the pot after a few days check again the pot should be lighter also check the top 2-3in of soil, Good luck man just had this happen to me early today but my babies are perkin back up cause i took out some of the wet soil n replaced it with dry soil n Bamn!


Well-Known Member
Use more perlite next time and dont have them in pots that are too big for that stage.