Drooping Seedlings?

I'm starting a grow with Blue Himalaya from Short Stuff.

I germinated the seed using paper towel method, and then transfered it to a Jiffy Cube to develop roots before going into an actual pot with soil.

I've been watering every time the peat moss looks dry, and my little guy is having some droopy leaves, is this from Over Watering? I mean he looks healthy to me, but its just those leaves are bugging me.

I didn't think it was over watering because the peat moss drys out so quickly, but I mean, I'm not expert.

I just harvested 2 plants in the past month (my first 2 grows - bagseed) So this is my second.

Any ideas?


I've grown Blue Himalaya before. had 2 phenos. a chunky green one w/ tiny bit of purple, and a lanky purple one. everyone agreed that it's a good smoke. i just don't totally agree with the taste. and had a leaf to calyx ratio that I wasn't too fond of. but that might just be an auto trait.

did you put the seeds in jiffy cubes your first grow?


Well-Known Member
What appears to be dry sometimes isn't....weight always is best indicator...get ventilation and temps under control along with watering...you'll be fine if you learn to grow patience along with with your lady...
Thank you guys for telling me it's overwatering, and yes, last time I actually STARTED my seeds in Jiffy cubes. But then again that was because I was given a whole thing of seeds (72 of them to be exact)

This time around, I had ordered blue himalaya online and wanted it to grow well, so I used paper towels THEN switched to jiffy.

But yeah, I'll let it dry out a bit and see how it is tomorrow. Thanks again guys, I'll keep you all updated.


I've been watering every time the peat moss looks dry, and my little guy is having some droopy leaves, is this from Over Watering? I mean he looks healthy to me, but its just those leaves are bugging me.
Dont be callin her a he! unless thats what you want ;)
Okay, Now I'm completely baffled.

I let my BH dry out since last night, and this morning the leaves started to perk back up but ended up staying droopy at the tips.

I JUST looked in and was about to water and found out that the leaves were not COMPLETELY droopy, not just the tips.

Did I was TOO LONG to not water? haha.

I just watered, so hopefully they will spring back.

Or is that the way the plant is supposed to be?