Drooping young plant?

These have been going for a few weeks now. They recently started to droop and i got suggestions to water it. Now it loooks like it got worse . What should i do i always have a fan on it and im growing with cfls. Have i overwatered?



Well-Known Member
dont got alot of time, but firstly, your pot, way too big for your plant size. how often are you watering? also, i have had issues in the past with low quality soil. what are you using? hope this will bump your post up.

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member
Check the PH of your soil.
Looks like wood chips in your soil (?) If this is the case then the wood chips can modify your soil as they break down. If wood such as cedar or any other conifer are present, then essential oils from the wood will make your soil toxic to your plants.
When picking your soil / or soilless medium to grow your plants in, make sure there is nothing that will modify your PH or nutrients. If the ingreidients of the soil are not broken down to organic matter then spikes and shifts in the soil can / will occur. Soil growing indoors can be problematic. I would suggest a soilless mixture will tend to give less problems (with the correct feeding regime ) than soil.

Have a herbtastic day...



Feel the leaves. Plants maintain their shape basically with water pressure. If there is too much water in the leaves they weigh too much and pull the petiole down. If there is not enough, the "ballon" of a leaf deflates and droops limp and lifelessly.


Bad watering technique? Best to water a bit and give it 10 min to soak in an then water some more. Gotta give the dirt time to absorb.

Glad you got it sorted.