

Well-Known Member
well if you have a shit load of lumens like me it doesn't matter when the plant is that small. if you can fit a zip lock over it use it i say.
aww zip lock bags, didnt think of those, i was thinking like a grocery bag or something along those lines. Thanks again man!


Well-Known Member
true, but wouldn't the bag over it cut down the lumens and the light it gets to it? Maybe i could even put a trash bag, with the inside moist, over them during their dark period. do you think that would be better? just so they get the most lumens during lights on.
Dont do any of this please!


Well-Known Member
Dont do any of this please!
Just throwin out ideas really lol, since im using CFL's, i dont have as many lumens as a MH does. But i think im gonna go with gotot's idea and use a zip lock if they droop tonight, if i can fit it around them that is lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
humidity is the reason they are drooping.

good to know lol, my hygrometer stays around 40 - 50% humidity and went up to a whopping 62% last week for a few hours since we finally got some rain ( i left a window open on accident... :roll: ). From what ive been reading, 40 - 50% is pretty good, but glad to know if im wrong lol so i can fix it now :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Keep it right there, you dont want to put a bag over your plant ever to raise humidity. This is perfect. You probably have a watering problem.

- I totally meant isnt on my previous post.



Well-Known Member
I aggree you only need the bags on them if you cant control the humidity... Misting helps get water directly to the leaves inbetween watering. so if you underwater it helps counter it if you over water misting wont get to the roots it only effects the leaves. Try to check the moisture an inch or deeper with your finger if the tip of your finger is wet or damp then hold off... you can always give her water if shes thirsty but you cant take the water away if you over due it! Try what ever you want just Im just giving my opinion cause my shit got droopy of hell and after a good watering it perked up in a couple hours.. sometimes it takes a day to perk so dont get to worried after all its weed lol


Well-Known Member
So last night they started to droop again, so i grabbed my spray bottle and misted them a lil and they started to rise again! Thanks for the info guys, you guys helped a bunch. :bigjoint: Im gonna put up some new pics here soon so check em out, they're beautiful!