Droopy, curling leaves in HYDROTON? PIKS


New Member
I was going to write this slut off, but I guess i'll keep on nursing her. If there were others in the grow i would have chopped her dead but she's all have. I have an AK-48 and WW vegging like gangbusters with Sensi A&B. Say all the shit you want but I see AN kicking ass at least compared to BC. I will still go GH lucas for bloom.
Hey cowboy, my one is limping along in 9th week of flower. I don't have much crystal on them though. You know, not like the crystal ferry came down and dumped powdered sugar on them. More like just some speckle. I would be embarrassed to photo them. Now the bubbleiscious calls for 9 to 11 weeks flower. Is now in the beginning of my 9th when the crystals should pick up or is that it, too much shock? I did find 1 banana.


Well-Known Member
Solo Bubblicious 3 weeks in flower.

100% Hydroton in Ebb/Gro bucket system

GH LUCAS formula 1:2 Micro/Bloom 1000 PPM @.5 Dutch Zone

Watering 30 min 3 times a day lights on only.

600 watt HPS, 77F, 30% RH Good vent. PH 5.7

This problem has plagued her since she was 1 month in Veg. Her 2 brothers did not display this symptom but were 25% more vigorous. Every other aspect of growth is good: Roots white, plentiful (thanks to that Kick ass Dutch Master ZONE), normal bud development, no deficiency scars on the leaves. Only droop. Stems are nice and firm. Only the leaves themselves are curlung/drooping. I have tried backing off on the nutes, adding more nutes, increasing/decreasing the watering along with the rate. Kelp Folier spray. Flushing with that GH shit. I just sprayed a couple leaves with Mag solution as my latest experiment. I am worried that when it comes down to the last 2 weeks, this problem may affect the Soneyiciousness or yield. I have not tried any hard core additive yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated

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I like the lucas method..

But adding this that and the other thing is only polluting the water even more.

Might wanna abstain from all the extra's and change out the rez and see what happens?

It looks like overfert to me.

But you claim its at 1000 ppm?

Might wanna recalibrate your ppm meter.

Good luck man :)


New Member
Yea, reading back you will see I backed off and used just bloom for 2 weeks, getting rid of N. I am at the point now and asking when I should see good crystals. My meter is good, 1000ppm is 950 Lucas (8-16ml/gal) + 50ppm for the zone with a .5 conversion factor on my meter. Zone is an alternative to h2o2 to prevent root rot. I did in the course of her life back down to 700ppm but that was at the same ratio. In her youth she got way too much N which stunts later growth. During Veg, I used the recipe for success kit and really screwed up on the doses. She's goin good now, I was just asking why the low crystals and when should I see them pick up > Last week of flower? Last 2 weeks? Or did I stress too much and this is all I get.


New Member
2.5 oz harvest dry!! All given away to the needy, wasn't stash worthy. Not bad considering. Never give up.