droopy curly leaves... plants not happy HELP!!!


Hey guys, I was hoping to get some input into diagnosing what may be wrong with my plants. I have attached pics so take a look. They were fine until 4 days after I transplanted them into 3 gallon smartpots and put them into flower. Right after the second time I watered them in flowering. Then they started severely drooping. I originally thought that it was overwatering so have not fed them for 6 days now, trying to wait until they are bone dry, but no improvements. I am wondering if maybe it is a pH problem…I am pretty diligent about watering with pH of 5.8 I did not measure the pH of my runoff when I watered last but I tested 1 plant yesterday by feeding a mixture of RO water with hydrozyme (pH’d at 5.8) and the runoff pH was 6.4 They are planted in coco/perlite mix. Is the pH the problem? What should I do? Even the guys at my local grow shop are stumped by what the problem is... PLEASE HELP!

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Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Yep, water them. Often after transpalnt plants will droop for a few hours after watering until they get established in their new homes. I would suggest using a wetting agent when you water the next few times because it sounds like you have allowed the medium to get very/overly dry.
edit: a coco/perlite mix is almost impossible to over water.


Yep, water them. Often after transpalnt plants will droop for a few hours after watering until they get established in their new homes. I would suggest using a wetting agent when you water the next few times because it sounds like you have allowed the medium to get very/overly dry.
edit: a coco/perlite mix is almost impossible to over water.
Thank you for replying!
I am planning to water tonight, but it does not look like an under watering issue. The "test plant" that I watered did not pick up. and the coco is actually still wet. When the pictures were taken the plants were definitely still wet.


This actually started, although not as pronounced before i waters last time. and thats exactly what I thought I had gone really light on the nuts at transplant, some extra Thrive Alive B1, but light, when I saw them turning a paler green, and drooping I figured hungry and thirsty, in Veg they were up to 770 ppm, so I gave them 800ppm with a little extra CalMeg for the pale green, but nothing crazy, still well within the limits of the directions. The only thin diffrent in the feed was Bud Blood, and half strength at that...
Thats why I was thinking over water in, or PH? but now that they are drying out no diff... HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
The only time I've had issues like that it had to do with bad PH. However, I only grow in a hydroponic system. In addition, I would see deficiencies start to pop up.


your set up got fresh air coming in
I'm on CO2, so no fish air other then when the lights go off, and the carbon filter goes on for an hr to get the humidity spike out of the room. Also souring lights on I have the CO2 go on for 15 min on the hr, and 45 min later the same filter removes the CO2 for 15 min the the whole cycle starts again.


Well-Known Member
I'm on CO2, so no fish air other then when the lights go off, and the carbon filter goes on for an hr to get the humidity spike out of the room. Also souring lights on I have the CO2 go on for 15 min on the hr, and 45 min later the same filter removes the CO2 for 15 min the the whole cycle starts again.
Is the room sealed?