Well your right we're not here to talk about grammar, we're here to give the op good advise to save his crop and point them in the right direction. But if your opinion is math based then do the math with me, better cooling solutions cost money, extra hydro use (.6kwh) costs money, wasted nutes, ph up/down, ph testing, wasting time watering too often in you opinion but not often enough in the plants opinion (Wilting)... time you could be using to make money or upgrading your cooling setup. You haven't said anything about the plants looking like 2-3 week old seedlings under way too much light and high heat. But your option works if you don't care about production costs, you know that math thing. 600 is more then 1200 but MY opinion is use 600w compress the pots and have the time to get the setup tweaked and run full 1200 when the plants need more space and then your not wasting light keeping dark corners lite to drive away spooky monsters and driving up heat and costs. But the choice is yours op hope you get it sorted. Aquasorb or maybe some top dressing to keep the water in the pot or both will help keep them wet. Are you top feeding or bottom ? With the higher room temps are you watering with colder water ? What's the humidity @ 90-92f ?
Doing Things the right way...COST FUCKING MONEY!!
If you're in this for cheap weed..... go throw some seeds outside.
Indoor is an expensive hobby!
Yes, you can accomplish all of the above by turning off a $300+ light...however, this ignores the obvious lack of exhaust.
Which will be a problem with even one light eventually.
If it were ME..I would invest the money to make ALL of my equipment work for me...not just some of it.
See WeliveinaPARANOIDstate....with those 'production costs' you have to figure in the $300+ for the unused paper weight..(i mean light) that he isnt using....
Yes he will save money and his setup will survive on one light...BUT
why not set the room up correctly so you can use both lights? thats all I'm saying
I tried for years to cut corners only to find out that each small step in this process is crucial and you may be able to slide on things like evac and nutes for a while...
but that shit catches up with you!!
I could care less what this guy does with his lights.
Just PLEASE properly evac your heat so it doesn't come back to bite you later....
and magically..once the exhaust is setup.... the second light wont raise the temp a bit...TAAA DAA!!!
take it or leave it...I dont care... not my plants.
happy growing.