droopy leafs :(

hey guys my plants are almost 2 weeks and about4 inchs but there leafs are drooping i thought i was wattering them to much ..i do the 2 ince rule..idk? maybe to small of a pot? the pot is 1.5Q(1.42L) this is my 1st grow :sad:


Well-Known Member
hey guys my plants are almost 2 weeks and about4 inchs but there leafs are drooping i thought i was wattering them to much ..i do the 2 ince rule..idk? maybe to small of a pot? the pot is 1.5Q(1.42L) this is my 1st grow :sad:
What do you grow in?Soil,coco,hydro?Your ph level?EC (ppm) level? What kind of nutriens are you using?How's your air circulation?temp and humidity?You test your runoff?
More info you give, more info you'll get back, and mybe you should post some pict....


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is make sure that you keep a mental picture of what the plant's look like,soif this happen's again you will know what the problem is straight away.I always keep notes but code them so only you know what they mean.Droopy leave's are normaly caused by the plant's been over watered,sometimes the top few ince will look dry try to go onto the weight of the pot rather on the top 3 ince been dry.By letting the soil dry out will not harm the plant's at all,if anything thiswill goin yr favour by causeing the root's tosearch out water but there will be none there tilly ou water,whenyou do re water the plant may droop again don't worry if it does it will be fine.Get your ph right if your are new to growing i would get some advanced veg and bloom,this will take all the hassle of phing and messing around with ppm'sit is all done for you.But let them dry out and perhaps make sure you are not running to hot and you should produce a good yeild...................tyke....................


Well-Known Member
:leaf: i agree, mre info plz. with this being your first grow whats your enviroment like? temp, humidity, space :leaf:
yes its soil its MG organic poting soil yea i know that probly shit soil but thats all i could find i live in bum fuck no where ......all we have is a lowes out here um temp is prob just on the low side maybe low 70's i wish i could tell you ....i dont have a ph meter or thermostat um i live ina very dry place (navada) and there (3) in a closet with good ventilation ..as for run off i have my plants on a rack thats on top of a large plastic tub...not much run off at all tho..um i wish i even know what ppm level is.....haha ill try to get some pics soon


Active Member
Mix that soil with some vermiculite and perlite to help drainage. If you can find an organic grocery store, buy a bag of worm castings too. I use MG organic potting soil too.

2 parts worm castings in humus
1 part MG organic
1 part vermiculite
1 part perlite

If you find worm castings, you won't need nutes for a month or more IMO.
thank you and yea iv been trying to find worm castings...im going to try the local nursery oh and for the strain its a c10+oj kush hybrid my uncle did the cross breading him self

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member


Public School Fail!

Posting pictures is easy. There's a little button in the reply window. It's right next to the hyper link button and it looks like a tree out of a window. You click on this button, and then upload the pictures from your computer.

Though, you're from Nevada, and you can't spell the name of your own state, so I'm not going to be holding my breath here while you figure it out.
actually guys there starting to pop up :) cool and im switching out and getiing 4 more 27 watt 6500k lights and im going to re pot and put it better soil like posted above and see how we do :)