Droopy leaves after watering???


hello all, new to the site and looking for some advice. beautiful super silver plant gets really droopy after watering. after a few days she perks up but ahhhhhhh!! any info would be just lovely! peace. respect


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm growing Super Silver Haze also and I've found that they don't like a lot of water. Wait til they are begging for it. Also, if you are doing an outdoor grow, make sure you are watering either in the morning or late evening and not in the heat of the day. If you have them under lights, wait until the lights go out or right before.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like your soil is not draining well because weed doesn't like constantly wet roots. did you add perlite or sand to your soil mix to improve drainage? does your pot have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to run out?


using happy frog, and fox farms ocean forest, thanks for the tips!! i think i was giving her a little tooo much to drink! verrrry happy now! week 2 of indoor flowering many many sites, alot od bud!! thanks again