Droopy Leaves, alge + PICS


Well-Known Member
I am having trouble with my plant

250 watt hps
rockwool 1" in 4" in 10" in a bucket of mini rockwool cubes
ph water 5-6
temp 25-28

i water 2l a day nuted water.
Vita link nutrients

there is alge on the rockwool and the leaves are really droopy, i put a piece of sheeting over as some roots were showing on the top. any ideas please?



Well-Known Member
........yes, overwatered.......the rw should only be damp---not 'heavy' with water/nute mix.......if your hand watering try just dipping it quickly(about a third of it) instead of pouring so much it drips out the bottom.
When you take a dry cube and wet it down good, shake it out fairly well: this is what your cube should weigh.:hump:

good luck!