droopy leaves and brown stem under my hairs

sorry for the bad images,but there is visible light thru the stem

today i went out to see my plant and her leaves are all the way down, and under the nugs, there is a part of the stem that is compleatly dead...and split

the plant is only 1 week into blooming... i need help.
should i cut the plant and take my losses try to cure whats there and taste it ? or see if it will bounce back withing the next couple days and go from there? i will try to post picks later today .


Well-Known Member
Looks like it it did not get watered for a long time, or a cat pissed in it.

When was the last time you watered/fed it. Where is the light, where were the temps and did you have a fan blasting it to kingdom come. There had to be a change in the environment since you started flowering it. Backtrack your steps and see if you did something wrong or where the issue came from so it can be addressed.

Sorry bout the plant m8.


this is the plant that cameback from the dead 3 times... she fellover when she was a sproutling at 3 inches high ( she has a scar on her topmost leaves) she went brown for 2 days mid groth... and she had caterpillers on her... this is my first grow and this is when i was supposta make mistakes but i hoped i would still get some smoke outa her.

she gets watered every 2 days, none of the housing conditions have changed the only thing that is relatively new is that they got switched into blooming cycle.
ythe lights are 2 florescent 4 foot tubes at about 3 inches above the plant ( there is no heat comming form the light)
there is a fan but it is not directly aimed at the plant...( the plant moves very softly[not too hard])
the temp is at exterior temp in california,maybe too cold.
NO NUTES have been used at all in the entire growth process. only water,soil, and light.

I think that the stem is compleatly dead, i may have to just cut my losses and kill her. and start germinating a new crop.


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth man. its a waste of time to even try and save that. start over sorry to give ya bad news.


Well-Known Member
Is it possible the caterpillars bored into her and split the stem? That looks like the result of some kind of physical damage from something. Did a pet come in and chew it?

That doesn't "just happen" to a plant -- something did that to it.

You can tape it up and see what happens -- some people have reported doing that to breaks and the plant heals.


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth man. its a waste of time to even try and save that. start over sorry to give ya bad news.
no man, it's never a waste of time to try and figure out what a problem is and then to try and find a solution to that problem, that's how we learn the most, from our failures and our near failures.

peace, bozo

btw, op, it really looks like she is just very thirsty and if it hasn't been too long, watering her should bring her back. ...train youself to recognize how heavy your plants feel when just watered and when they are dry, don't just water on a schedule, especially when going from one stage of life to the next, ...flowers drink more than vegging plants.