droopy leaves idk


Active Member
okay one of my plants gets droopy like a day or 2 before it need water leaves look limp like underwater but the soil is still a lil moist what could be wrong anything else that makes leaves droop its not over water because it dosent happen till about 3 days after watering when soil is almost dry


okay one of my plants gets droopy like a day or 2 before it need water leaves look limp like underwater but the soil is still a lil moist what could be wrong anything else that makes leaves droop its not over water because it dosent happen till about 3 days after watering when soil is almost dry
If you lift the pot does it feel heavy? It's my experience that one of the biggest problems soil growers face is over watering.

Do the leaves look limp and droopy or curled and a bit more firm? If they are limp and droopy, no life, its under watering. If they have some hardness and tend to curl, thats overwatering.

I'd suggest a flush and a good period of time to let the soil dry.


Active Member
i think i found my problem it was root bound bad they were only in 3 gal pots bumped them up to 5 gal hope it dosent hurt them at all considering im one week into 12/12


Active Member
If u get no transplant shock I think I'll be fine.
Just be sure to give em a good watering when u transplant to seep them into their new home.


Active Member
thanks i hope that was the prob there were tons of roots wrapped around the bottom i veged for about a month and 2 weeks did alot of lst there about 11" tall i dont even know how wide. each plant has about 20 tops or more gonna be flowering under a 400 watt hps


New Member
well if they were not healthy and rootbound then its a good thing you transplanted them now.. they will be fine.. Now you know how big the plants gonna be next time and you can transplant 2 weeks before starting 12/12 and budding them.