Droopy leaves, over watered? Looking for 2nd opinion

I have just been looking through some threads including https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/418643-have-plant-problem-check-here.html

It seems the most likely cause of my issue is over or under watering (it would be over watering tbh).

They have only been transplanted for 7 days and I saturated the soil directly after the transplant, they have not been watered since. Will they be likely to recover? Am I right in assuming over watering as the cause of the depressed looking plant? And finally, is there a way to speed up the recovery?

Thanks in advance (sorry for being such a noob!)



New Member
what are temps / i am thinking they need more humidity ??? if anything get more heat in there this will help to get rid of the moisture in soil i hope you got drain holes make more
The very top CM or so of the soil is pretty much dry but if I put my finger into it then it is still moist. The bottoms of the pots have drain holes.

The temperature stays around 23/24 degrees c. What would you recommend to up the humidity (I cant afford a humidifier).


Well-Known Member
Try putting a small plastic bag over it - making a small grow house for it to lift the humidity. Make sure to let it dry out between waterings.


Active Member
They definitly look like they are streching, what is your light situation. Transplant shock is possibly a real chance. They don't look that terrible, other than the strech on them.


i would say they need water i woke up today and the leafs were dropping also so i gave them some h2o and about an hour or so there back up and looking lively


New Member
just boil water and put it in the room in a corner theres your humidity have it front of a fan either way plants look ok could very well be a dorment period were shocking cause it from transplanting jut let it dry out real good
but keeping high humidity at this period i would think is beneificial
Thanks so much for the posts guys.

They have streched (the one in the pics more so) due to very very poor planning on my part. I germinated before I planned/thought exactly what I was doing. I think I secretly never expected to get this far.

I was using a low watt CFL, wrong colour and everything. They all stretched badly during this time until I got the better lights, they are now under 2 105 Watt 6400k CFL's (one for each main plant, not sure if I am going to keep the 3rd, minimize risk etc). While the stems are long (I dont want to transplant them again and risk hurting them) the leaf growth is very tight. I have put a small self rigged PC fan on them to try and aid the strengthening the stems.

I will now look to up the temp and humidity. You can read all about my epic un-preparedness in my grow journal.

Thanks again.
I turned on the small heater in the closet where they are growing and raised the lights a little, now all three but especially the worst one have all perked up! Its amazing how quickly these things grow/move etc.