Droopy leaves


Active Member
I'm obviously talking about the plant on the right here. It's a couple of weeks into 12/12 and just started showing hairs 2 days ago. The leaves were all standing nicely a few days ago, but now as you can see they're hanging there. Temp is mid 70s, ph is 6.8, Fox farm soil, just started using Dyna Gro bloom nutes(had good luck with this before and the little one on the left seems happy). I water about every 3 days, when the soil seems dry and the pots get lighter. That's a 125 watt CFL above them. I've got a 400w HPS I'm in the process of setting up a space for.
Little sister on the right is doing fine, but the droopy one has me worried. It's pot is actually bigger, the little one is on top of something. I figure it's either underwatering or overwatering, but without knowing I could screw it up worse by trying to fix it.
Also, you can't see in the picture, but there are some grayish spots on one of the big lower leaves, only on one though so I don't know if that's related.



Well-Known Member
It looks like it needs water to me, do you allow 20% run off when you water them? ie allow 20% of what you're putting in to drain out of the pot? If you don't, dry patches in the soil can form and even if you think you've given them water, those dry patches remain. It also looks a little zinc deficient to me, what strain is it? I've currently got an Indica strain pheno that looks a lot like that one and no matter what I do to it, feed it with or water it, it always looks a bit droopy, whereas the other ones with it (all from the same seeds) look quite happy - it's odd.


Active Member
It looks like it needs water to me, do you allow 20% run off when you water them? ie allow 20% of what you're putting in to drain out of the pot? If you don't, dry patches in the soil can form and even if you think you've given them water, those dry patches remain. It also looks a little zinc deficient to me, what strain is it? I've currently got an Indica strain pheno that looks a lot like that one and no matter what I do to it, feed it with or water it, it always looks a bit droopy, whereas the other ones with it (all from the same seeds) look quite happy - it's odd.

thanks, that is actually a mystery strain. It was actually pretty droopy when it was smaller, but then it perked up and wasn't droopy at all, now it's way droopier than before.
I do water until it's coming out the bottom, but I don't think 20%. Maybe I should water more, but I've been so afrain of overwatering...


Well-Known Member
thanks, that is actually a mystery strain. It was actually pretty droopy when it was smaller, but then it perked up and wasn't droopy at all, now it's way droopier than before.
I do water until it's coming out the bottom, but I don't think 20%. Maybe I should water more, but I've been so afrain of overwatering...
The only other thing I can suggest is, as I mentioned earlier, it looks a little zinc deficient, so give it a complete flushing of a weak full nutrient solution ie a nutrient solution that contains trace elements of all the nutrients the plant needs and not just a N-P-K one. Flushing is basically just standing the pot in a bath or sink and pouring the nutrient solution in and allowing it to drain out of the bottom of the pot for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then at it's next watering give it a watering feed with the same solution allowing about 20% run off.


Active Member
The only other thing I can suggest is, as I mentioned earlier, it looks a little zinc deficient, so give it a complete flushing of a weak full nutrient solution ie a nutrient solution that contains trace elements of all the nutrients the plant needs and not just a N-P-K one. Flushing is basically just standing the pot in a bath or sink and pouring the nutrient solution in and allowing it to drain out of the bottom of the pot for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then at it's next watering give it a watering feed with the same solution allowing about 20% run off.
Thanks, I've got Fox Farms Big Grow, Dyna Gro, and Dyna Bloom(they all list zinc @ .05%). Not sure what I should use. I was thinking of getting the FF bloom nutes next time I'm down at the store. Here's another pic from about 5 or 6 days ago. The plant that has gone droopy is the one in back(the 1 on the left turned out to be big brother). As you can see, not droopy at all. All I've changed is a switched from Dyna Gro to Dyna Bloom when the hairs started to show. I wouldn't have been surprised if the leaves started to yellow, but they're very dark green and droopy.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I've got Fox Farms Big Grow, Dyna Gro, and Dyna Bloom(they all list zinc @ .05%). Not sure what I should use. I was thinking of getting the FF bloom nutes next time I'm down at the store. Here's another pic from about 5 or 6 days ago. The plant that has gone droopy is the one in back(the 1 on the left turned out to be big brother). As you can see, not droopy at all. All I've changed is a switched from Dyna Gro to Dyna Bloom when the hairs started to show. I wouldn't have been surprised if the leaves started to yellow, but they're very dark green and droopy.

zinc deficency can also come from too much excess of phosphrous, though zinc uptake can be aggrevated by introducing more potassium (at the risk of limited calcium availability)

i read this here: The Marijuana GrowFAQ - Grow Great Marijuana - Plant Abuse Chart and Photos by Nietzsche


Active Member
zinc deficency can also come from too much excess of phosphrous.
hmmm, the Dyna Gro is 7-9-5 and the bloom is 3-12-6. Maybe flush and switch back to gro for awhile?
I'm heading out the door in a few minutes for 24 hours, hopefully it hasn't gotten much worse before I'm back.


Active Member
Overwaterd, Underwaterd, aarrrrghghghghggghhhh!!!:? :?

I dunno, I thought it looked overwatered too, but I stuck about 2/3 of my index finger into the soil, and it was dryer than..., well it was verrry dry.


Well-Known Member
here's how i tell:

stick my finger in there and poke it around.
pull it out.
if "dusty" or no dirt sticks - too dry.
if soil sticks but "flicks" off finger - perfect.
if soil sticks and i have to wipe it off on my jeans - too wet.


Active Member
I came home today and it was a bit droopier, although it is showing a bit more flowering.

Any chance the droopiness could be caused by outgrowing it's pot? It's probable about a gallon and the plant is maybe 8 inches high. I previously had a much bigger and healthy plant in one of those pots but it turned out to be male. Anyway, today I tried to flush it, but water would barely trickle out of the holes in the bottom. So I decided to take it out of the pot and the entire bottom half of the dirt was entirely roots, with the bottom being a big clump of roots you could barely see dirt through. If it wasn't too much for the pot, it was close. Would a plant that has outgown it's container look droopy like that? I have a bucket probably about 3 gallons that I drilled holes in the bottom of and transfered it into, we'll see how it does. I'm hoping maybe that was the problem. That smaller plant has recieved the same nutes and looks pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
Leaves that are drooping from underwatering will look limp and lifeless.

Leaves that are drooping from overwatering will be firm and curled down, even from the stem of the leaf.


Active Member
Think I've answered my own question. This plant must have been rootbound. It seems to like it's nice new big bucket and has perked up nicely.


Well-Known Member
this has helped me a little, i'm only a few days into 12/12 and mine have started drooping a little too...

cross fingers they'll be fine