droopy plants after changing lights to hps


Active Member
Hello everyone. I'm struggling to save my plants from a mysterious (to me) problem that i can't seem to solve myself. Here is the whole story:

5 weeks ago i started with 4 seeds which turned out as 2 auto (sativa dominant) and 2 non-auto (indica dominant). Decided to veg the non-autos till auto plants finished.

4 days ago i decided to move my plants from small growing chamber to the large one. Within 12 hours they all became very droopy with upper leaves clawing down and canoeing. List of changes are:

1) Switched from 360W blurple cob led to 600w HPS (1 ft from top of canopy) in both cases since my plants showed light stress when leds were around 10 inches during early stages of veg.

2) Temps were 85 ish F day and 80 ish F at nights in the first growing chamber but second one was 65 F day and 55 F night for the first day. When i found my plants with droopy stems and canoeing leaves the next day, upped the temps to 75 F by slowing down exhaust fan. RH around 35-40%. (rh of old chamber was around 55-60%)

3) Left them to adapt for 2 days with no changes. Watered one of the plants and checked ph which was 6.4. I'm growing in soil mix so i suppose the ph is more or less in the right region. Next day watered plant (one of the flowering auto plants) showed very little improvement but rest of the garden were looking quite sad with droopy stems and canoeing and clawing leaves.

4) Leaf canoeing and clawing problems are more pronounced with the new growth.

5) All plants seem to have their growth stunted.

So i waited for 4 days to see if plants adapted to their new environment with no avail and decided to post here. I saw that some others have experienced light shock after switching from led to hps so i moved the hps to 2 ft and dimmed it to 400w while installing the previous roooms blurple leds in the new growing room but plants are still unhappy. Any ideas how i can make them happy again ? :confused::confused:

I will upload pics in a few hours.


Well-Known Member
A foot is close"ish" for a 600 hps, some have luck, some don't so keep an eye on that & good call dimming and backing it up, let those plants adjust.

Been through this a few times, Next time If you slowly introduce the new light by a few hours each day, it should be fine to swap within a week, your current plants should recover under the new light within a week.


Active Member
A foot is close"ish" for a 600 hps, some have luck, some don't so keep an eye on that & good call dimming and backing it up, let those plants adjust.

Been through this a few times, Next time If you slowly introduce the new light by a few hours each day, it should be fine to swap within a week, your current plants should recover under the new light within a week.
thank you very much good sir. i'll definitely do like you described next time. This was a horrific experience i went through last 5 days.
today they looked more happy ish so i suppose they are getting used to their new spectrum.

To doubters out there: Light shock is for real and makes quite unhappy plants!