droopy plants... root bound?? +rep


Well-Known Member
there looking good :weed: the 2 new shoots on top are about 6 inches tall:shock:
both plants have really grown alot in height. im switching to 12/12 tomorrow morning. from the size the plants are now, can anyone tell me about how tall they will be at harvest, i have about 2 1/2 -3 feet more i can raise the lights. should that be enough? and will get more than like an ounce off each? i kno its pretty much impossible to estimate that, im jus real curious ya kno haha

and my supa silva haze seedling is looking amazing, but its pure sativa, will it really get like 10 feet tall??? i dont have room for that so im jw if i should LST or something



Well-Known Member
Whats up UB? Ive read a bunch of your stuff on RIU and i figured i dont have any help doctoring my plants, id ask you... I have a few problems, with droopy plants, yellowing, and brown spotting.. everything seemed fine untill about 3days ago and i cant get some of these plants to reach... any advice would help? Seems like above growth has halted quite abit.. i tried uploading pics but was denied several times, dont know y? But if u click my journal the pics are in the latest entry. I know its a pain but i would greatly appreciate it UB...