Droopy Plants


New Member
Hi Guys,

Working on my first grow here. I just picked up some new clones (Ace of Spades, White Elephant, and The Black '84). I transplanted them into 1 gal pots with some organic potting soil. I am running a Mills nutrient cycle, and have only applied once, per the instructions on their schedule. I mixed it with purified water, but later noticed that minerals were added for flavor. I have just picked up some distilled water. I thought I had initially overwatered the plants, applying appr. 1.5 cups of water per plant. I waited appr. 3 days to water again with distilled water, but it did not seem to improve in between watering, or after watering. I have fans circulating air, and an Exhale Co2 bag suspended above. I am getting concerned about the drooping leaves pictured below. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much in advance!

Some Notes:
-83 degree f temperature
-35% humidity
-small amount of water came through drain holes at bottom of pot
-monitored soil moisture with tester
-soil pH in very high 6's
-have only applied nutrients once, on first watering (have watered twice total in appr. 4 days)
-Under t5 lighting (4'x8 bulb, and 2'x6 bulb)








Well-Known Member
I'd back off the watering, and let them use the nutes in your soil before adding any more. Start with 1/3 of what the instructions say and not until the plants "ask" for them. Probably just transplant shock and the new soil is holding water as there are no roots to absorb it yet. I personally say nevermind the ph of your soil. There's huge debates about it, but you shouldn't need to bother with it. The minerals in water are good for plants. Good luck.


New Member
I waited until the soil felt dry, and waited until moisture sensor said it was dry, and they still looked heavy. How long after soil feels dry would you wait?


Well-Known Member
When i first started i was over watering a lot now i wait until the pots are light in weight then water. Also my clones were droopy like that for about a week after i transplanted them. Its most likely transplant shock just give them some time and they will be fine.