Droopy seedling how to fix someone pls help

My seedlings have become too droopy i put a oar stone in the bucket cause i read the roots might need oxygen also the tip of the roots are turning brownish i added hydro guard but nothing seems to be working


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Droop is usually caused by too little or too much moisture in the root zone. No need for an air stone; it is not helping. Try saturating those cubes with a hand mister & fill the bottom of the tray about 1/4 inch with ph adjusted water.
Rockwool can hold on to a lot of water; mist until it drips when you squeeze it. These plants need a feeding ASAP; they are either starving or locked out of nutrients. Give them a diluted feeding of veg nutrients at proper ph range; you’ll need to baby sit them until the roots develop enough to go into the hydroponic system of your choice.
The root rot is a whole other issue. Try disinfecting roots and hydroton w/ diluted h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide). Hydro guard should help once you get these into whatever system you plan to run them in. Clean the res out with bleach & change out to fresh water every 10 days or so. Add h2o2 directly into the reservoir if root rot persists.
How are you flooding that tray @619calismokin ? Is it on a timer? That looks like it’s real dry for 50% RH and 29c.
I doubt you have root rot; the root tips are probably being air pruned. Looks way too dry.
@Richard Drysift tbh i thought i over feed them its my first grow i read that you only have to feed em twice a day since rockwool holds alot of water i usually dip it into a gallon bucket that has an air stone for 20 sec add the nutes to the ph adjusted water in the tray? Im on it

@MustGro im not flooding the tray am i supposed too ? I wasnt going to start flooding until the roots were long wnough to put into a 2 gal ebb and flow yea theyre light brownish air pruned might be on point you agree w richard? How long should i flood
So it is your first grow & you decided to go hydro? Welcome to the learning curve...
If you are feeding them already twice a day that could cause issues. These look deficient to me but it’s probably because of a ph lockout. Light green indicates they are not getting enough N. It has a lot to do with presenting the roots a nutrient solution of the correct strength at the right ph range. You are either giving way too much nutrient or the solution itself is not in the proper ph range for absorption.
Yes you should be flooding the tray; exactly how much and how long depends upon how your plants react. Light brownish roots could just be drying out; Mustgro is right...it’s not likely to be root rot unless they are submerged for a time. Should be flooding the tray and draining it off like a few times per day. Of course you can save them; it’s never too late unless they shrivel up & die...
Do you plan to keep them in a tray like this or are you waiting for roots to develop further before putting these into a different hydro system?
@Richard Drysift during the second week i only put 25% nutes to see how they would react im using general hydroponics tuesday i put 50% strength and added 75% of the flora gro which contains nitrogen and i think yiur right i do meed to check the ph every day it doesnt go past 6.0 i try to keep it between 5.5-5.8 thank god i want to save them i was lowkey loosing hope i flooded it barely ima flood it for 15 min how many times a day should i flood? 2-3 or 3-4 i do plan on transporting them into a 2 gal ebb and flow as soon as the roots come out more
Flood as much as they need to keep the rockwool moist. Keep the water and nutrient solution at 6.5 ph at ALL times. Feed at 1/2 strength for awhile...like 300-500 ppm ...no more than that until they get larger. If you don’t have a tds now is the time to get one.
Okay im going to try that out i got a blue lab tds pen and ph pen i also bought a blue lab ph controller how many days you think til they recover any idea?
No idea. Things happen pretty fast in a hydro grow so they should start looking better within a few days of giving them what they need at the right amount & inside the proper ph range.
I agree with everything @Richard Drysift said with one exception, I run my PH closer to 6 than 6.5. if you’re 5.8 to 6 you’d be golden in my setup. I’m a hydro grower, but never done an ebb and flow, so it might be a bit different. In a water grow a ph over 6 can lock out iron, but it depends on how the iron is chealated. I run over 6 a bit sometimes but my plants are happy there so the iron in my fert appears to be well chelated. In my setup if I run it 6.5 or 5.5 the plants can pull up too much ppm too fast and they burn their tips the next day. It depends on the fert though.
You can definitely save them. Can you raise your humidity? 50 is great in flower but it’s low in veg especially for plants that don’t have a lot of fluid reserves. You’ve got to be sucking those plants dry with that low a humidity and just a rock wool cube with some hydro clay around it for reserves. You’ve got to get them on a regular fluid schedule. I’d help with that, but I’m not an ebb and flow grower. Lots on here. Try a search for it and pick up some tips. At the least dip them in the solution more often.
You bought a Bluelab PH controller? That’s a serious investment; how large is your holding tank? Shit, I’m jealous….
I read that they only adjust the ph one way. So you set them up to dose up or down, not both. Is that true?
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I appreciate the feedback @MustGro i decided to flood it every four hrs for 15 min im hoping this helps recover the plants what kind of growing method do you do? DWC? I had a humidifier but the lid kept flooding the atomizer and its stopped working ima order a new one today ima raise the humidity to 70%? What you think? My holding tank is 60 gallons i bought the controller so id stop wasting so much time chasing a ph i feel like its time consuming and yes your correct you can only choose ph up or down but i believe you only need to set it at ph down since ph levels rise over time it may be my first grow but im serious about learning and growing most newbies start small and work the way up i like to start at the hardest level so over time it become easier im using general hydroponics flora series im using all 10 nutes they have available
I appreciate the feedback @MustGro i decided to flood it every four hrs for 15 min im hoping this helps recover the plants what kind of growing method do you do? DWC? I had a humidifier but the lid kept flooding the atomizer and its stopped working ima order a new one today ima raise the humidity to 70%? What you think? My holding tank is 60 gallons i bought the controller so id stop wasting so much time chasing a ph i feel like its time consuming and yes your correct you can only choose ph up or down but i believe you only need to set it at ph down since ph levels rise over time it may be my first grow but im serious about learning and growing most newbies start small and work the way up i like to start at the hardest level so over time it become easier im using general hydroponics flora series im using all 10 nutes they have available
Yeah I’m mostly DWC, but I run a system where I can drop the fluid levels and go NFT or maybe aero, depending on how you look at it. Your plants will like 70 Rh a lot better than 50.
Can you do something to cover the tray. Maybe cut some panda plastic to cover it and cut out some circles for your pots? That’d let the roots grow in the dark and it’d help speed their growth up and your plants would recover faster.
I ran the full GH line for years with FloraNova as the base. Got on the Jack’s 321 last grow and I like it. Lots less $$$ and way less PPM. GH runs a lot of PPM and I‘m running at 1/3rd the old GH ppm with the Jack’s. The 300-500 Richard suggested should be good for now.
You running the GH PH adjusters? I used to buy the gallon jugs but then I discovered CYCO PH adjusters and I never went back to GH. Cyco is literally 7 times stronger in my system and a gallon costs about $10 more than GH, plus it’s a gallon and a quart (5 liters) in the Cyco bottle. I was adding 210 ml of GH up and that went to 30 ml of Cyco. Way less water in it.
Yea i want to switch over to dwc as soon as possible i read you get bigger yields w dwc ima look for something to cover the tray i dont have anything available ima figure something out thats crazy i thing ima switch nute i went w general hydro because it has 10% silicon in the amorsi and yes bro i noticed i use alot of ph adjusters w the general hydro use alot of ml ima try the cyco and see how it works
I started DWC in a GH water farm. They‘re a good place to start, or you can build one. Lots of homemade DWC threads on here. It’s a lot of bottles in the GH line and I’m sick of opening bottles! Not one drop of silicon in the Jack’s 321 line that I know of. I was a big fan of giving them silicon too, second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and all that rot. My plants don’t seem to mind one bit. Surprised me…
I was thinkgong about buying a premade dwc system and thats true GH does have alot of bottles your talking about jacks nutrients right? Its a bag A and bag B ? Is that all you use for your dwc? O was reading the reviews and theyre all 5 stars do you get more yield w jacks formula or around the same?
I was thinkgong about buying a premade dwc system and thats true GH does have alot of bottles your talking about jacks nutrients right? Its a bag A and bag B ? Is that all you use for your dwc? O was reading the reviews and theyre all 5 stars do you get more yield w jacks formula or around the same?
Jack’s 321 is the two part formula, so you’re right it’s the part A and B one. Real easy to mix, I run the Walmart Epsom salts and Cyco PH adjusters with it and that’s all. It’s way less ppm than GH but it’ll burn the tips if I let it get too far off 5.8 to 6.0 as the plants really seem to soak it up at say 5.5 or 6.5. In my setup anyway. I’m not sure about more or less yield as I only swithched last grow. I spent about $15 in nutes to run my 11 week flower. It’s the leaf drop one in my signature if you want a look.
Yea i noticed jacks two part system looks more simple then using the GH line up ima try for sure. Whats the epsom salts for? Ina try your way next grow if i can get these seedlings to recover how do i look at your signature ? Sorry still mew to this