Droopy, yellow leafs... need help, w/pics


Well-Known Member
AAAA?? 5.1?? ph in soil nooooo 5.1 is for hydroponic system i would keep it in soil with 5.7 lowest to 6.5 highest i keep mine at about 6.0-6.1

But do as u wish:-|


Active Member
AAAA?? 5.1?? ph in soil nooooo 5.1 is for hydroponic system i would keep it in soil with 5.7 lowest to 6.5 highest i keep mine at about 6.0-6.1

But do as u wish:-|
Thanks for saving me Hazy.. I'm at about 6.8. I will try ot lower it a bit.



Active Member
I am embarrassed to tell you all, but I figured out what was wrong with my plants…..

Saturday I checked on them and they were looking worse. One of the ones with yellow leafs started getting crispy so I figured that It couldn’t be overwatering. I decided to transplant it. Here’s where it gets funny. When I originally planted them I put aluminum foil at the bottom of the pot to keep the dirt from coming out. Well, apparently roots don’t like aluminum foil. So I transplanted them all….

Now they are looking good, except for the yellow leafs.

OK let me have it…..


Well-Known Member
WTF man lol i never realy heard of anyone doing that before but i guess there is a first for every thing. dont fuck up anymore


Well-Known Member
just remember the roots fuc up the leaves, the leaves never fuc up the roots (less you fry em).. good luck


Well-Known Member
Atad small to be fertilizing now, and they are right about the water. Plants can live in extremely dry conditions. Instead of the top 2 inches of soil being dry when watering try about 1/3rd of the way down your bucket or whatever u plant in. Then when u do water soak well.


Well-Known Member
Soft white and gay light???? what kind of lights are u using u should use blue spectrum bulbs or even 2 red and 2 blue . I have a T5 4ft florescent Fixture with 4 blue spectrum grow lights its a great light and it does not get hot at all. well a little bit.:mrgreen: I realy wana throw in some LED lights in there never tried them they sound good do
Daylight is a 6500K blueish spectrum and a soft white is a 2700K redish spectrum, t8 and t12 works good as well :joint: