Drop Jaw PE + GT flushes NICE PICS!


Active Member
I showed you the pinsets of these trays in the thread called ~art of pinset~ and they were harvested just moments ago. I am going to throw up pics without much commentary for now...mostly because imma be busy cleanin and preppin for a quick dry session! Give me some rep if you feel I deserve it!

estimating 3 ounces per tray...
The normal lookin ones are GT, the ones with smaller caps are PE! My favorite!


Active Member
Is that second picture Penis Envy?
Yup, the ones lying down with the smaller caps are indeed PE. Not sure anybody should envy an 11 inch penis that is only an inch thick! The next flush of PE will be harvested tomorrow, and those guys are actually penis sized and shaped....creepy...

Most cubes lose 93% of their weight as they dry, thick PE boomers only loose about 80% cuz they got denser flesh, so its not uncommon for one big PE boomer to satisfy 6-8 students. I will be grinding all of these up to even out any potency variations, then making some killer chocolates!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yup, the ones lying down with the smaller caps are indeed PE. Not sure anybody should envy an 11 inch penis that is only an inch thick! The next flush of PE will be harvested tomorrow, and those guys are actually penis sized and shaped....creepy...

Most cubes lose 93% of their weight as they dry, thick PE boomers only loose about 80% cuz they got denser flesh, so its not uncommon for one big PE boomer to satisfy 6-8 students. I will be grinding all of these up to even out any potency variations, then making some killer chocolates!
eyy thats whats up!

I heard PE's were DANK as fuck :D


Well-Known Member
i think i just creamed myself....=D
dude.....holy shit.

send me some of the penis envy!!!!
best visuals of my life and i only ate a gram dried.

b real.....how long have you been going and tek do you use?
i wish i knew you so i could buy some of those delicious looking mushrooms


Can i ask on your method of drying those? also another question what things can affect the potency of the mushies/ either decrease or increase?


Well-Known Member
Can i ask on your method of drying those? also another question what things can affect the potency of the mushies/ either decrease or increase?
if i grew those amazing looking specimens id set em out on plates or paper towels with a fan blowing on them.
or just use a food dehydrating machine.

magic mushrooms contain psilocin and psilocybin when fresh.
fresh mushrooms contain more psilocin (which is the more potent chemical then psilocybin. psilocin has more visuals and a more concrete/comfortable trip) then dried mushrooms.
once the mushroom dries it breaks down into psilocybin through oxidation (which is the blueing of the stem when its bruised)
once dry, the mushroom now contains more psilocybin then psilocin.
once dried mushrooms are ingested, your stomach turns the psilocybin into psilocin. (making it a less of a trip)

basically fresh mushrooms = more psilocin and magic


Active Member
i think i just creamed myself....=D
dude.....holy shit.

send me some of the penis envy!!!!
best visuals of my life and i only ate a gram dried.

b real.....how long have you been going and tek do you use?
i wish i knew you so i could buy some of those delicious looking mushrooms
Well unfortunately I do not sell any of my boomers, but I do give them away to friends for free! So just become a friend and there you have it! (real-life friends) lol.
I have been booming for a little over 3 years, and I use a combination of teks and methods that I have developed in order to make it as easy as possible for bulk work. I wrote up the b-easy tek on another forum only to be kicked off for advertising the good folks at hawks eye. So fuck them at tokecity! I was student-teacher over there and gave them quite a few of my tek's before the assholes banned me without being able to erase my contributions...fuckers...but I love it here at RIU so I will make new Tek's for you guys to follow along!
Can i ask on your method of drying those? also another question what things can affect the potency of the mushies/ either decrease or increase?
Since my boomers get a bit thick, they can take up to a week to get cracker dry only using a fan, so I have developed a trick to dry a pile of wet ones practically over night. First you clean all the dirt off the harvested boomers, then you use your thumbs to bust them open like a dutch, and rip them in half length wise. For SUPER meaty penis envy boomers I may rip it into 4-6 strands. This exposes hella surface area, and they dry exponentially faster I promise.

Now, for things that affect potency. Heat, light, and time are the biggies. Heat and light can be used in moderate amounts to dry boomers without hurting quality, but leaving a bag of boomers alone for 6 months will really drain the quality. That is why I take all of my boomers when they are first dry, and grind them into powder and preserve them inside chocolate. I have had mushy chocs sit for a year and still come through full strength.

If you can grow your own, the ONLY way to eat boomers is straight from the earth. (Freshly Picked) Any amount of exposure to oxygen/light/time will begin to degrade the actice psilocin and weaken the trip. I have gotten off on 5 wet grams of penis envy before, which is only .5 grams when dried.

Thanks to everyone for all of the great response! I just harvested another tray and it had two fabled PE mutants, pictures will be up in the thread called PE Mutant Pictures.