Yoyo moefoe... DropaStoner dude! whats cookin? you did an amazing job on the new grow room. congratualtions on a job very well done. Totally professional looking! can u come over to my garage now and build me one?lol...so jealous of your pineapple express selection. i have a few mear pineapple chunks germinating right now compliments of a barneys coffeeshop bud i bought in dam last week..hahah. did you check out those Pineapple Express waterfarm grows by SCOTTYBALLs and now Kriznarfs(edit ok) sick mean wicked huge donkey dick monsters.lol...
So on my trip i visited the beautiful Notre Dame Church and hahahah..smoked a fatty right about here in back of the church in this pretty park...i thought of you and the fighting Irish.
Now Dropa go grab your bong and do a couple bong hits......then read what i type at the bottom of this picture....lmao

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Now look carefully at the bell tower and you will see the hunch back tolling the bell...

GO FIGHTING IRISH....take it easy dude...