Dropped 100$ in doge

Wrong. You disagree with me, and you want to believe that everybody else agrees with you.

The stock market is a casino, unless you have inside information or an unfair advantage (cf. HFT).

I don't know if I agree with that. If it was a casino, it's a rigged casino and you're allowed to bet with the house. If you're putting money you can't afford to lose into coin, well that's a different thing all together.
How many of you asshats are out there? Like i am genuinely afraid for my life knowing someone like you is allowed to operate a motor vehicle
I'm pretty sure my degree of intelligence and education is at least on par with yours (statistics are in my favour).

If you claim to use a risk-free method that works, then it's not gambling, it's arbitrage. Otherwise it's still gambling, and you can bet your motor vehicle on that (and kiss it good bye).

If it was a casino, it's a rigged casino and you're allowed to bet with the house.
You don't know which way it's rigged. That's the problem. Only very few people know, and you're not one of them (neither am I).
You don't know which way it's rigged. That's the problem. Only very few people know, and you're not one of them (neither am I).
You are correct, I leave that to professionals who do that. And there are a lot of them who do it. Where have you been? Guy don’t know how to break this to you, but most of us have been making a killing year in year out for almost 2 decades. Think of that, on average 20% plus for almost 20 years. They aren’t gambling.
most of us have been making a killing year in year out for almost 2 decades
Yeah, and now you all sit on your millions, bored as fuck, typing into a Cannabis forum. Probably en route in your Gulf Stream right now from Dubai to London. Or is it Mykonos?

All the while I will die poor and lonely.
Lol, no jets, just called adulting. Did you not save? You’re a little out of reality for me. 401k, Roth? Anything? The stock market is not about gambling, nothing like it. But the bull years are coming to and end I’m told, so they use different strategies. Like you said, I don’t know how to do it, takes a lot more effort then I can give it. Leave it up to the pros.
i watched Wall Street twice in one week a month ago. Am i a bull yet?

P.S. Michael Douglas is a fucking boss
Wait let me get this right, we’re in a thread about stocks, and you guys have a problem with people who have stocks? What are you all like early 20s? All kids? How about a thread about sex filled with virgins? Ffs.
If you’re just looking to swing trade Robin Hood gets it done for free. There isn’t much to try really though. Don’t put any money you can’t afford to lose into coins, way too much manipulation going on and who knows what China is going to do. It’s almost like they time it to fck with people.
If you’re just looking to swing trade Robin Hood gets it done for free. There isn’t much to try really though. Don’t put any money you can’t afford to lose into coins, way too much manipulation going on and who knows what China is going to do. It’s almost like they time it to fck with people.
Can anyone recommend me to a decent place / site to try my hand at a few doge or bit
If I had to do it again I'd get it on coinbase/coinbase pro. The reason why is because you can transfer your crypto, robinhood does free trading but you are kind of stuck with it on there.

If any If your real life friends has coinbase have them send u a referral code and if you decide to go for it and can't get a referral I could send ya one

The amount of free crypto coinbase earn let's you make will offset the fees, I've earned 87$ just taking quizzes which has appreciated since then to who knows how much more.

Also robinhood has referral codes too for free $$. The one thing I can say about robinhood is it has better graphs and ways to show u your profits.

I am not giving any financial advice and there are many platforms to choose one, I'd make sure though when u sign up have a friend send u a code!
Crypto is nothing like the stock market. Crypto has always been speculation. It's not like a stock. A stock is a share of a company that has underlying products or services that can generate actual profit.
Crypto is nothing like the stock market. Crypto has always been speculation. It's not like a stock. A stock is a share of a company that has underlying products or services that can generate actual profit.
Yeah well that's cool
Investment, gamble, whatever we wanna agree/disagree on

So what crypto is everyone gambling on?
Still wondering if anyone is into any tokens in the adult industry
Just checked some of my stocks, S&P global is up 4.5% and rising today. Coins are fun and all, but so is old fashion trading.
Problem with chasing meme could a is there’s people that got In for almost nothing way ahead of you. I bought hex 500k tokens for $150. It’s now worth hundreds of thousands.
Dope bro congrats! We only put in what can afford to be lost and you made a killing great job man. Hopefully the rest of us can be so lucky
Just checked some of my stocks, S&P global is up 4.5% and rising today. Coins are fun and all, but so is old fashion trading.
Yep tesla and nvidia are carrying up my retirement portfolio. Nothing wrong with that!!
I'm really interested in actual utility of tokens. I'm trying to focus on a good adult industry token or a good real estate nft token or something. I've heard things about people getting around brokerage fees by selling their property via NFT , which to me I can make no sense of.

If someone can invest in 1/100 of a property via nft i wonder what that means for the banks

I like the idea of electric charging tokens too that is a cool idea

What else is out there for our future?? Who knows?

Hey doge is pumping a little today, that's cool! Wonder how long it will stay above 30c this time
Problem with chasing meme could a is there’s people that got In for almost nothing way ahead of you. I bought hex 500k tokens for $150. It’s now worth hundreds of thousands.

Many people don't realize that many of us were in long ago and paid basically nothing. In my case all I paid was the cost of electricity to mine and the cost of the equipment which turned out to be the best investment I ever made in my life.