Dropped 100$ in doge

Whos buying lol? Personally think its ripe time to buy. 100 in doge, depends what ypu paid for them. Threads a little old. Whats a hundo anyway. Gotta play to win. 100 is play money so cant hurt. Could be 1000 one day very likely. Sooner or later.. could it be 100k one day? Highly doubt it. 10k over a long ass time is a maybe. 100 bucks today in a long ass time is worth maybe a dollar. Or 10 bucks maybe 5 bucks. Compared to fiat crypto makes a alot of sense...
Whos buying lol? Personally think its ripe time to buy. 100 in doge, depends what ypu paid for them. Threads a little old. Whats a hundo anyway. Gotta play to win. 100 is play money so cant hurt. Could be 1000 one day very likely. Sooner or later.. could it be 100k one day? Highly doubt it. 10k over a long ass time is a maybe. 100 bucks today in a long ass time is worth maybe a dollar. Or 10 bucks maybe 5 bucks. Compared to fiat crypto makes a alot of sense...
If I were confident enough, and sold some HAL, I'd play $20K, but damn.. it just don't move that much.
This whole Crypto thing may have been a "test' before they try CBDC on us, and everything goes cashless.
Pretty sure the banks are now on cryptos side, as cbdc is a step toward a future without banks. Banks would rather exist then be the next blockbuster. Then is just someones opinion i read on the internet, but does make some sense.
Whats hal? 100 bucks in crypto to 20 k in stock sounds right to me. Personally id stay away from doge and buy bitcoin. My next fav would be ethereum classic. The rest r pretty much shitcoins imo.
Halliburton (energy stock) that I invested in heavily at $6. It hit $44.99 in June, should have dumped it then, but Q3 earnings were a beat from ESP Est. and Reported, so I think it will fly past that in Dec. ...and I meant $20K worth of Crypto.... but that makes me nervous especially after this year. Hard to say if it's a good time to buy in the dip, or is it going to continue to crash?
Halliburton (energy stock) that I invested in heavily at $6. It hit $44.99 in June, should have dumped it then, but Q3 earnings were a beat from ESP Est. and Reported, so I think it will fly past that in Dec. ...and I meant $20K worth of Crypto.... but that makes me nervous especially after this year. Hard to say if it's a good time to buy in the dip, or is it going to continue to crash?
Dont ask me lol. Nice trading. Stocks over crypto for me but i still have interest in crypto. Both markets been getting crushed been waiting for a good time to get back in. Bought alphabet few days ago. Golds been looking good lately. Crypto someone could tweet and fuck your day up large, so stupid.
Add the korean nitwit dokwon to the mix, and his luna collapse. 2 this year, cant imagine next years gonna be any better. Bet it tops double digits next year. Imagine the price of bitcoin if this happens multiple times next year... over 10 times could be likely. The next year maybe into the hundreds.. bitcoin to a dollar lol. Or less. Everything else sub pennies. Haha. Never know with these shitcoins..
Add the korean nitwit dokwon to the mix, and his luna collapse. 2 this year, cant imagine next years gonna be any better. Bet it tops double digits next year. Imagine the price of bitcoin if this happens multiple times next year... over 10 times could be likely. The next year maybe into the hundreds.. bitcoin to a dollar lol. Or less. Everything else sub pennies. Haha. Never know with these shitcoins..

Do is still hiding out. He better be careful as there are shady people that would do him harm in order to obtain the private keys to the hundreds of millions in bitcoin he has stashed away.

Crypto is basically a pyramid scheme in a way. You can make money but you have to time things right and get in and then back out when you're ahead. During this last runup when BTC hit close to $70k people that were just getting involved in it thought it would never end. I was cautioning people to be careful and pull out profits.