Dropped 100$ in doge

Holding my doge until at least 1$, this is fun and if it drops at least I was in it for the ride! Hope everyone is having fun with their doge. I bought a bunch of other crypto and it's all down 10% at the moment
Well I'm taking some unexpected profits. I need 12 more confirmations before I can dump some DOGE.
Debating selling a little as well. Taking some profits is always a win. Will keep a close eye today and see which way she swings.
I put some more cash in and i stay ontop of it
Put 50 buck per purchase note it down
Then resell when it gets higher for the same price..
So i get free stocks..
not many but i did that for a solid hour today just looking at my screen and i gained 12 stocks pluse 83 cents..
How much harder is it to mine now? When you mined was it a random amount or later than when they were doing that?

I was mining years ago when the difficulty was a fraction of what it is today. I just looked at the block explorer for around the time I was mining and the difficulty was around 16,500. It's currently 5,221,839. I didn't get in on those early million coin blocks. They were 10,000 coins a block when I was mining. It wasn't worth anything back then so I didn't mine it for very long before I switched to something else. Now I wish I would have mined more.

I haven't kept up with DOGE so I wasn't aware that they had switched to a random amount block reward.
If you plan on holding doge for a while, you should at least take out your initial investment plus 10-20% profit so you're only gambling with free money. This run is not going to continue forever.
..and now it's up again. I'm just a bystander, but this shit is crazy. Fortunes can be both made and broken by this shit.

Screenshot - 2021-04-16T224803.312.png
Just a heads up for those not familiar with cryptocurrencies. Buying on the hype can lead to losses. Things can go south real quick. What is happening with DOGE happens all the time. It gets pumped by people holding large amounts, other jump in on the hype, those that did the pumping dump on the newcomers looking to get in on what's going on. The price goes down very rapidly. That's why I dumped a bunch and I'm glad I did.

The bitcoin I exchanged it for is still sitting on the exchange I use. I expect it to fall further and then I'll buy back maybe doubling the amount of DOGE I sold. It will get pumped again and may go even higher than it did on this pump. I'll sell it again close to the peak.

I've been in crypto since 2015. I dropped out of it for the last couple years but it looks like it's time to get back in and start doing some trading. Fortunes can be made overnight if you know what's going on.
The issue with doge specifically is the majority is being held by a very small handful of wallets. Something like 12 wallets hold over 50% of all coins and they have too much influence on the price movement.
Now it's getting interesting. You want to get in before the next spike. If it happens. It's like gambling.