Dropped 100$ in doge

We got a bunch a few years ago for nothing. It was worth less than a penny. We got some more around 2 cents during the recent run up. Holding 7000 doge. I hope it starts going up again soon. Investing is a wild ride, enjoy it. I’m a degenerate gambler so I keep the app on my wife’s phone so I don’t bet the farm, lol.
yeah I wish i sold it last week when it was at 7 cents, its coming back down now it looks like but I'm having fun getting into it all. A buddy of mine recommended an app called stoic , but to get into it you have to invest at least a grand. Not toooo sure about that lol but as of now I have put in like 180$ into doge (for the memes) and then the rest of my investing is in regular stocks.

I'm using the robinhood app, but have heard theres better ones out there~ any recommendations?
It’ll go higher when Coinbase starts doing doge. Don’t worry just hold on to it for a while. That 2 cent jump was based on one tweet from Elon Musk. It happens pretty regularly. Robinhood is not a great app for stocks or crypto but I’m stuck with it until they drop their wallet sometime this year.
Is doge even a real crypto currency? I mean it started as a joke after all. Why not invest in some other real crypto? Doge only gains value based on Elon Musk's tweets, and he may be facing legal issues with market manipulation. Coinbase sell doge? Seems unlikely, but you never know.
Is doge even a real crypto currency? I mean it started as a joke after all. Why not invest in some other real crypto? Doge only gains value based on Elon Musk's tweets, and he may be facing legal issues with market manipulation. Coinbase sell doge? Seems unlikely, but you never know.
The meme currency has been stable around 5 cents for months. Transacts faster and cheaper than Bitcoin and is based on the same blockchain. I am happy with my investment. I’ve more than tripled what I put in and I’m not selling. Do what you wish though. Also the crypto market is unregulated so Elon can say whatever he wants about crypto.
This is not financial advice
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for fun , I put 100$ in dogecoin
I've never invested in anything and wondering what anyone thought of this
Not sure about that. But don't tell to many people yet. Google this and get ready to get super rich. 600703.SS. Drop next 3 paychecks and watch.
The meme currency has been stable around 5 cents for months. Transacts faster and cheaper than Bitcoin and is based on the same blockchain. I am happy with my investment. I’ve more than tripled what I put in and I’m not selling. Do what you wish though. Also the crypto market is unregulated so Elon can say whatever he wants about crypto.
This is not financial advice
There are a lot of crypto that are faster and cheaper than Bitcoin. Actually Elon can't manipulate the markets without risk. He knows it, but he also has very good lawyers. He walks the line all the time. I just don't really understand the attraction to Doge, when there are so many more robust crypto currencies available. Doge goes up when Musk tweets. The cryptos I hold go as the technology improves. I'm not saying that Doge is a terrible bet, but it just seems to be more about the hype than the substance. Personally I really like Cosmos (ATOM), which is up 15% this week..

Screenshot - 2021-04-04T103618.021.png
I wish you luck with atom I hope it moons big time for you. I’m holding doge and it’s becoming more of a usable coin quickly. I think it will increase in value big time soon. But it’s all a gamble and this is in no way financial advice.
I wish you luck with atom I hope it moons big time for you. I’m holding doge and it’s becoming more of a usable coin quickly. I think it will increase in value big time soon. But it’s all a gamble and this is in no way financial advice.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to poo-poo the idea of investing in Doge, and I might buy some once it comes to Coinbase like you said. I'm just not really understanding the coin's allure, aside from the hype-train, but hey.. if hype-train makes bucks, might as well ride it out the station. I do think atom is going to do well. It was very much on the rise before the crypto crash a month or so ago, but is gaining momentum again now. I suggest to add it to your watch list. Cosmos (ATOM) is the internet of blockchains, and has several new upgrades coming soon. I also like Ethereum, but the gas fees are just too much. Hopefully as Eth 2.0 rolls out the gas fees will come down. I think if so it has the potential to one day pass Bitcoin.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to poo-poo the idea of investing in Doge, and I might buy some once it comes to Coinbase like you said. I'm just not really understanding the coin's allure, aside from the hype-train, but hey.. if hype-train makes bucks, might as well ride it out the station. I do think atom is going to do well. It was very much on the rise before the crypto crash a month or so ago, but is gaining momentum again now. I suggest to add it to your watch list. Cosmos (ATOM) is the internet of blockchains, and has several new upgrades coming soon. I also like Ethereum, but the gas fees are just too much. Hopefully as Eth 2.0 rolls out the gas fees will come down. I think if so it has the potential to one day pass Bitcoin.
If you wait til Coinbase adds it you’ll miss the bump that comes from that. Again, this is not financial advice. Snoop likes it, how wrong could he be?
Have a squiz at Electroneum (ETN) too, it had a good run over the last few weeks, looks like it may take off on a big bull run soon!
If you wait til Coinbase adds it you’ll miss the bump that comes from that. Again, this is not financial advice. Snoop likes it, how wrong could he be?
LOL, yeah I know. But what I've noticed about those "coinbase bumps", is that they bump up, and then right back down again. This happened with ANKR recently.
If you wait til Coinbase adds it you’ll miss the bump that comes from that. Again, this is not financial advice. Snoop likes it, how wrong could he be?
Welp, DOGE is certainly doing well this week. Making me thinking about investing in it after all.
Doge is only good for a pump and dump. Just hold that shit until Elon tweets about it then sell and put your money into crypto with actual utility.
My money is all on BTC, ETH, and ADA. ADA has some big things in the pipeline in the coming months, and at a nice entry point right now at only $1.21.
Doge is only good for a pump and dump. Just hold that shit until Elon tweets about it then sell and put your money into crypto with actual utility.
My money is all on BTC, ETH, and ADA. ADA has some big things in the pipeline in the coming months, and at a nice entry point right now at only $1.21.
Thanks for the tip. I'll throw $25 at it and see how it does, because why not?

I'm kicking myself for selling my XTZ a month or so ago, because it's been blasting lately. Trying to decide if I should jump back on it or not.
Thanks for the tip. I'll throw $25 at it and see how it does, because why not?

I'm kicking myself for selling my XTZ a month or so ago, because it's been blasting lately. Trying to decide if I should jump back on it or not.
Charles Hoskinson, The creator of Cardano aka ADA is cofounder of Ethereum. He has been hinting at adoption by Ethiopia https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/hoskinson-leaks-that-cardano-ethiopia-deal-was-signed-by-minister/

I bought $500 worth with my stimulus. I have no doubt it will hit double digits in the next year or two.