Dropping Temps to Make the Plant Mature Faster.

Would dropping the temps in the room make the plant mature faster for it sensing that winter is coming?

If so what temps are right, is 62 degrees to cold?


Active Member
No it is the light change that triggers the flowering. During the winter my plants always stay around low 60's and they mature the same time as my plants that grow in uper 70's.
Is there any benefit from lowering the temps, pros and cons? Was thinking that it might mature faster, harden up the buds and turn purple or purple cues.


Active Member
yea if it's got purple genes in it that's how you get the color to come out. I just had an LA finish and a blue widow finish that were entirely purple.
I have a plant outside that is turning completely purple from the low 30-40s at night time, my plants inside only have purple on the sugar leaves with temps at 85 w/ CO2 enrichment. I turned the CO2 down to 700 to let them ripen. No need for the temps to be that high anymore. I'm on Week8 so they will be done in a week. Was trying to get a harder and purple bud to come out with lower temps. Was seeing if anyone else has any input or experience on this.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis's natural color is actually purple. Chlorophyll is actually what makes it green. It's only when chlorophyll is in colder climates is when the purple comes out because green no longer the dominant color. If you also notice, the growth of the plant slows when it's below 64. This is because chlorophyll production slows as well (almost seizing the chlorophyll's ability to perform photosynthesis). It's not bad per say, but if your looking for fast vegetative growth compared to fast floral growth, I suggest higher temps.