Drug Ennui - I Got It Bad

Big P

Well-Known Member
well I cant reveal sources in this time of need. I hate to be such a dick about it. But I can assure you. Seek and YEE shall Find.


Well-Known Member
I have looked Big P. I am sorry you can't impart to me just a taste, but I understand.


Well-Known Member
Sobriety is a good hobby, and one I keep to most of the time.
Drugs just doesn't make for very good entertainment, and after a while one notices a certain shallowness in the experience when taken with shallow objectives.
Yeah yea, i know the first few times are awesome, but as I said before, when you get the message hang up. You can always phone again when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
Sobriety is a good hobby, and one I keep to most of the time.
Drugs just doesn't make for very good entertainment, and after a while one notices a certain shallowness in the experience when taken with shallow objectives.
Yeah yea, i know the first few times are awesome, but as I said before, when you get the message hang up. You can always phone again when the time is right.
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Truer than 90% of the things you read on here. Psychedelics stop helping you when you aren't taking them for the right purposes. Reason why people who don't understand what psychedelics are and want to "party" on them don't ever have as fulfilling trips as people who use them for spiritual/existential/introspective reasons. You must USE drugs, not ABUSE drugs, or they'll ABUSE you right back.