Drug interaction with marijuana

Today was a shitty day. 4 dulcolax tabs, and a full 14 day treatment of miralax all crammed into about 5 hours. And no food. I have no energy to do anything but sit and watch tv, and all I kept seeing was awesome food commercials. Deep dish pizza. Chicken dinners. Taco bell. Bah.

As shitty as not having any solid food, taking 2 weeks worth of laxatives in a 5 hour period, violent fire hose diarrhea, constant nausea and fatigue is, I would take this over that migraine every time.
I'm back! I didn't even feel them give me the drugs. Next thing I knew I was waking up nearly incoherent. They told me no smoking for the rest of the day. I apparently asked out loud about oil and they said no. I didn't have the wherewithal to specify it was ingestion and not via smoking. So I don't know if they didn't want me to physically smoke, or if the cannabinoids were the problem. Either way I will almost certainly ingest a cookie with oil in it later today. Doctors...what do they know?

I have no cancer. I have no other apparent problems. So my 24/7 heart burn, and my constant digestive issues and 3-5 BM per day is just normal for me I guess.
Are you on a proton pump inhibitor (say, omeprazole) for that heartburn? I have long-lasting reflux issues that have scarred my lower esophagus. If I slack on taking my purple pills, I get quite prone to a "lockup" ... food lodging at the bottom of the esophagus, and stubbornly refusing that last inch of travel into valet parking. It's damned attention-getting when it happens, and I often have no choice but to *run!* for the rest room and then make awful noises while i puke what's in my esophagus but not my stomach. (Can't take me anywhere.)
My first serious episode was when i was 27, and once a bit of steak lodged there for a full 24 hours, causing the episode where they had to use an endoscope as a [very foul term] plunger.
But my bottom line is ... control that heartburn with a certain attentiveness, and keep an annoying problem from becoming something nasty.

And congrats on real food and medibles! cn
Will I'm just happy to hear your good to go!!
Sorry you had to go thru all the crap but not knowing really must have sucked.
Are you on a proton pump inhibitor (say, omeprazole) for that heartburn? I have long-lasting reflux issues that have scarred my lower esophagus. If I slack on taking my purple pills, I get quite prone to a "lockup" ... food lodging at the bottom of the esophagus, and stubbornly refusing that last inch of travel into valet parking. It's damned attention-getting when it happens, and I often have no choice but to *run!* for the rest room and then make awful noises while i puke what's in my esophagus but not my stomach. (Can't take me anywhere.)
My first serious episode was when i was 27, and once a bit of steak lodged there for a full 24 hours, causing the episode where they had to use an endoscope as a [very foul term] plunger.
But my bottom line is ... control that heartburn with a certain attentiveness, and keep an annoying problem from becoming something nasty.

And congrats on real food and medibles! cn

Yes I am on 20 mg omeprazole daily. Never had problems with food lodging, but around the age of 26 I started getting heartburn (after NEVER having any ever). Now it's to the point that if I don't take omeprazole daily I get heartburn. I mean If I don't eat anything at all today, and tomorrow I drink a glass of water in the morning I will get heartburn.

The omeprazole seems to work when I take it daily though.
Yes I am on 20 mg omeprazole daily. Never had problems with food lodging, but around the age of 26 I started getting heartburn (after NEVER having any ever). Now it's to the point that if I don't take omeprazole daily I get heartburn. I mean If I don't eat anything at all today, and tomorrow I drink a glass of water in the morning I will get heartburn.

The omeprazole seems to work when I take it daily though.

The other thing that could make a difference is to restrict carb (sugars, starch) intake and shift as much as possible to protein and fat. Current dietary doctrine vilifies fat, but my reading has shown this to be more politics than science. But a meat&fat diet is better for the organism than the more regarded grains and vegies.

I am an awfully picky eater, and starches have always been a staple for me. But I find that my own reflux issues are made worse by a starchy or sugary indulgence. The book to read is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. cn
Sounds like a perfect excuse to eat steak for every meal. I just purchased 2 huge ny strip chunks when it was on sale and had them sliced into steaks. I must have 30 ny strips in my freezer. My gf doesn't like steak, so I usually only make them when we have separate dinner plans.