drug test in 3 weeks.....


so recently i was busted (by my mom) with 3 pipes, a jar of stems and a bag full of seeds. obviously i was smoking, and its in my system. my mom said that she is testing me in 3 weeks...

now, im pretty sure that if you quit smoking completely that it would take 4 weeks to run through my system. but, my mom is a drug counselor so i assume she knows what she is talking about.

i know that im going to keep smoking all of those 3 weeks and i dont plan on stopping. just wondering if there is any organic or natural way to clense my system entirely of THC within 1 or 2 days. i dont really want to buy some product off the internet that isnt natural. but if i have to i will...

i do have a little time. and she might forget in the mess of christmas... idk. help please!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you be a man and just not smoke for three weeks? You will be clean. What are you too afraid of not looking cool around your friends? Are you 16? You realize you need to be 18 to be on this site. I thought you had a job interview and now your a teenager trying to hide the fact that you smoke from your mom? I hope a mod bans your teenage ass.

Besides if you don't smoke that long your tolerance will tank and the next time you smoke you will be super high. Higher than all your high school buddy's.


why dont i be a man? are you serious? what you're saying is so completely random and irrational. i NEVER said anything about a job interview. wtf? get the fuck out of here. i dont even want your bias opinion. im not looking to be accused of being underage.

i understand you need to be 18 to be on this site. im 19 years old. quit being so ingnorant, im just looking for help. my mom doesnt accept the fact that i use marijuana, i was never trying to hide anything. simply keep her ignorant to the fact that i use.


Well-Known Member
I think you should take the selfish route in and out. Dont listen to people telling you to man up. Your mom is responsible for raising you but she has no right to tell you what to do now that you are 18.

You should be able to enjoy life. That means living at moms forever. Why should you get a job, quit smoking, drinking and exercising your constitutional right to life, liberty and happiness.

I suggest your mom go to al-anon so she can accept you as you are.


Well-Known Member
so recently i was busted (by my mom) with 3 pipes, a jar of stems and a bag full of seeds. obviously i was smoking, and its in my system. my mom said that she is testing me in 3 weeks...

now, im pretty sure that if you quit smoking completely that it would take 4 weeks to run through my system. but, my mom is a drug counselor so i assume she knows what she is talking about.

i know that im going to keep smoking all of those 3 weeks and i dont plan on stopping. just wondering if there is any organic or natural way to clense my system entirely of THC within 1 or 2 days. i dont really want to buy some product off the internet that isnt natural. but if i have to i will...

i do have a little time. and she might forget in the mess of christmas... idk. help please!

Well @ least it's not for a Judge... .unless your mom is a Judge. I would just give her dirty piss, tell her it must be in your system preeety good. may take a month to get this outta my system mom.


Well-Known Member
Tell Mommy to kiss your ass & move out. The irony . . . She is a drug counselor and needs a drug test to confirm whether or not you are using?!? WTF!!!


Active Member
synthetic urine has worked for me numerous times!! and you dont have to stop smoking.
IF you dont want to do that. you can stop smoking now, work out everyday , make sure you sweat (thc sticks to fat cells) also you can drink lots of water which doesnt really do a whole lot except shut down your kidneys and then you will piss warm water. and then there is no guarentee you will pass.

buy fake urine it works so good. I was in out patient drug course and got random drug test all the time, I passed every single one of those tests


Active Member
also you can move out of moms house lol. Im sure thats your dream or goal one day, I should hope


Ursus marijanus
ya, it is. lol. im a [performing] musician so its just a matter of time until i get [recognized].
Please tell me that is not your serious career plan.
Your mom is under no obligation to accept that you smoke marijuana, but you may be under obligation to accept your situation when she tells you to move your non-compliant self out. At that point I hope you have more immediate, concrete and attainable career options researched to the point of action.

The advice you got about fake urine is awful. I doubt your mom will let you get a way with an unmonitored sample dispensing.
So it breaks down to a binary choice: which is your better option?
1) toeing the line and quitting NOW.
2) Using this golden opportunity to enjoy complete personal, financial and residential freedom.
'Cuz I don't think there is an option 3.
Think on it.


Well-Known Member
ya, it is. lol. im a preforming musician so its just a matter of time until i get rocgnized.
I missed this, this is even more funny than you mom being a drug counselor. I bet most of the people she "counsels" of people busted for possession, not because they have an actual drug problem, but hey she's just trying to make everyone else like her, right? Then at home, lays the doped up muscian who is just waiting for a million dollar deal to arrive in the mail, as if it was owed to him.

Get a job, I've seen musicians here locally who are better than most the people on the radio, but they will enver get noticed because it doesn't work that way. Talent is not enough, you gotta get lucky.


Active Member
Why don't you be a man and just not smoke for three weeks? You will be clean. What are you too afraid of not looking cool around your friends? Are you 16? You realize you need to be 18 to be on this site. I thought you had a job interview and now your a teenager trying to hide the fact that you smoke from your mom? I hope a mod bans your teenage ass.

Besides if you don't smoke that long your tolerance will tank and the next time you smoke you will be super high. Higher than all your high school buddy's.

what a hater.. anywho.. go to the local dietary shop..like a GNC or somthin and tell em you need to get your sys cleaned out theyll hook you up with a drink to detox your sys... you are gana have to quit for a week or so drink the detox drink the night befor the dreaded U.A also drink about 1 gal or 3 liters of good old water..its not 100% but it usuly works out. the 100% is fake piss or quitting..but who wants to do that, for real..or you could jus say F u mum ima pot hed deal wit it.