Drug Test. Myth or Fact?


Well-Known Member
So i was on the phone with my friend and we got on the subject of drug testing and he said that after you do your piss test that you put 1 or 2 drops of visine in the container and it causes your test to be false for drugs(weed).

I never heard of this and wonder if any of you have heard of this before and if its just a myth or has actually worked.


Well-Known Member
I read that it gives u a false positive , the same as if you use a detox drink. Saves some money.


Well-Known Member
well i aint got a drug test anytime soon so sorry. Its cool to just check what other people think of something i thought was interesting.


Well-Known Member
i thought about putting the drops in someones coffee. heard it would give them the shits. but then i saw on csi where a waitress did this and killed a dude. i read in fdd's other thread the toxic results from this. yikes i hope i dont get charged with murder.... i only meant for him to poopy in his pants. just kidding.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bike messenger, and our employers know that if they were to do drug testing, 95% of their messengers would be fired. So we don't ever have to sweat drug tests.


New Member
What ever happened to the old classic laxative brownies?
everybody has fucked theyre grandmas over so no new generations know how to make em unless they are in a box.
i redefined the trick.
my lit teacher freshman year always drank some starbucks cofee all day, and she would just add new grinds on top of the old ones for 3-4 pots.......me and another student ground some chocolate ex-lax up and mixed it in with her coffee tin.
she couldent figure out why she couldent stop shiting.... she never found it odd why we laughed so peculiarly when she ran out of the room.