Drug Test Questions


Active Member
i wasn't sure where to put this, so mods...feel free to move or delete if it's not appropriate.

I have a drug test that I need to take before next Wednesday. I'm not here to ask how to pass. I will either use synthetic urine or substitute.

My test is at Labcorp and is a 10-panel test.

My first question has to do with the brand of synthetic urine I have. The name of it is 'P-Sure' and I got it at my buddies head shop. He has never used it, but said there haven't been any complaints. I've already practiced getting it the right temp. I have a urinator. I just can't find any information as to whether or not, 'P-Sure' contains urea or uric acid. The only thing I have read about it is that a couple individuals think it's just repackaged 'Quick Fix', but I can't find anything else. I even tried to find a number for the company to call, but there isn't one listed on the box. So, does anyone know anything about 'P-Sure' or have experience using it?

I'm going to preface my second question with, 'Please don't judge....' I know the moral issues some may have with this. He knows what it's for and knows we have a garden in the attic. Can I use my 9yr old son's urine to substitute? The only thing I'm worried about is creatinine levels. Being that I'm not positive about 'p-sure' and this is a pretty high level position I've been negotiating for a couple months, I'm leaning more towards the substitution if his age isnt too young to sub for an adult.



Well-Known Member
Heres a couple tid bits I used back in the day when I worried about shit like this.
When I was dropping urine for my job, it only needed to be brought up to temp in the test cup. Once the temp was achieved it stayed just to show the tester that it was in fact at the proper temp it should be at. I would cheat by peeing in the cup with my urine to bring it up to temp. Once it was at temp, dump out your urine and make sure there are no traces of your urine in the test cup, then pour in the urine you brought in. The temp strip wont go back down in temp once you do this. As for age, I dont believe they test for this kind of stuff like age,sex,pregnancy etc. They just want to know that you are clean of drugs so they can hire you on and you aren't an insurance risk to them if you get stoned at work and cut your fingers off or run someone over or somethin like that. Its been a decade or more since I've had to drop so things may have changed, but this is what I did more than once and it worked more than once. I have no experience in synthetics, but have heard they dont work like they used to. Stick to real urine.


Well-Known Member
I would use a friends urine. On second thought. I would do the following. Drink a massive amount of water. Lots of it. Your urine will be diluted as it will have a low creatnine count ( which is how we can tell if someone is trying to make the concentrations of drugs less potent which can cause a false negative result) Now in order to get your creatnine levels high so that we percieve your urine as not being diluted drink something that contains creatnine. Like a couple of redbull energy drinks.
This is from a lab drug testing tech.


Well-Known Member
I would use a friends urine. On second thought. I would do the following. Drink a massive amount of water. Lots of it. Your urine will be diluted as it will have a low creatnine count ( which is how we can tell if someone is trying to make the concentrations of drugs less potent which can cause a false negative result) Now in order to get your creatnine levels high so that we percieve your urine as not being diluted drink something that contains creatnine. Like a couple of redbull energy drinks.
This is a copy and paste.


Well-Known Member
Look in the legal edge forum if you haven't already theres quite a few threads on this topic, you might find some useful info. Good luck, hopefully there will come a day people don't have to stress over a plant.


Active Member
I would use a friends urine. On second thought. I would do the following. Drink a massive amount of water. Lots of it. Your urine will be diluted as it will have a low creatnine count ( which is how we can tell if someone is trying to make the concentrations of drugs less potent which can cause a false negative result) Now in order to get your creatnine levels high so that we percieve your urine as not being diluted drink something that contains creatnine. Like a couple of redbull energy drinks.
This is from a lab drug testing tech.
Thanks for the reply, but no way I'm trying to use my own! I'm a 3+g per dayer.