Drug test


Well-Known Member
how can i pass you? WITHOUT buying things. because i know alot of test scan for the masking the cover-ups do. nebody kow nethign natural and is 100% sure it works? or idk ideas of natural things.also i got like 2 weeks so yeah is that enough time with ne methods?


Well-Known Member
Drink lots and lots of water.......
And by lots... He means lots (BUT! Don't over do it and die from hyponatermia.). I've heard instances where they recognize that the sample you give is too diluted for the test to be effecive, so they tell you to return another day for retesting. Not sure how often that happens, but I'm sure it does.


Well-Known Member
If you wana 100% pass do this.

Fill a condom with clean urine (ask a friend) and hide it in your gooch/taint/between the balls and the asshole,etc.. Put on two sets of boxer briefs to make sure that thing ain't going anywhere. The temperature of the piss needs to be in the are of 90-100F and your body heat should keep it in that range. Attach a cloths pin to the zipper of your pants and use it to burst the tip of the condom open.


Well-Known Member
Yea, don't drink too much water. I did that right before a drug test and threw up about an hour later - REAL BAD!


Well-Known Member
know whats works, milk thisle, you can buy it at i think any pharmacy store im not rwally sure tho i know walgreens has it, they are pills and ill giev you a legit story. My brother who is in the navy now domed a blunt and the next day he had a drug test for the navy and he took like....5 6 or 7 of them and he passed the test. i think they like strip clean your urine for like a day or seomthing, you might have to do some research on them.

ohh woops, im sorry i didnt see you said w/o buying anything. Sorry but its there anyways.


Well-Known Member
vinegar .. and water but if its too dilute they will throw it out .. best thing to do is buy "strip" from local head shop sure its like 40 dollars but i have used it on several occasions when i was looking for a job passed every time and i used it at least 7 times positive results and not positive for marijuana lol they have 300% guarantee they will double your money back and send you free product if it fails undetectable as far as i seen ..


Well-Known Member
i agree with the whole drinking lots of water......dont be cheap....buy shit.....sell lemonaid on the corner if need be....their is lots of ways to make a small amout of money.......buy your self a "self testing kit" at wal-mart for like 20 bucks...drink shit loads of water till you piss clear. right befor you take the test.. piss in the wal-mart testing kit and it will tell you if your clean or not...if you drink enuff water..you will be clean.....OH AND EXERSICE..EXERSICE..EXERCISE...THC is stored in your fatty tissue. the skinner you are, the faster the thc is cleared out of you body.....so eat only non fatty foods and exersice and lots of water.......thats you most sure way you can pass a test....good luck man i no how the stress can be..


Well-Known Member
How about just stopping as well? If it is just weed, stopping and drinking diuretics should help. If it is the other shit you deserve to get busted or not get the job.


Well-Known Member
i mean i do lots of things but i dont see why that should make me less qualified. I believe people can do drugs daily and still be successful, which i will be, trust me. As long as you don't let them take you over and you have control. ne wayz thx everybody on information. i exercise daily and erercise normally and im rather athelete size so hopefully all will do good! i would buy something but as i said, militatry test i do believe test for "masking products" aka, those things you use to temp. block it from showing u do smoked bud. Ty again guys
How about just stopping as well? If it is just weed, stopping and drinking diuretics should help. If it is the other shit you deserve to get busted or not get the job.


Well-Known Member
nebody know ne other NATURAL wyas? or if u HAVE to you can say buying things. According ot Errowid. which we all know to be a very good site, that if u take 4 apsrin and 4 cups of water it will help mask it. i also saw this when i typed on youtube "how to pass a drug test" with some fake doctor guy but it was funny. NEBODY info? the test is gonan be alot sooenr than i tohught. I have been drinking alot of Water and exercise normally already, but i been trying my best to exercise even more. I also got htese pills "Natural Fat burner". Has Metabolism, detoxify (pomegranate extract), Burn fat (green tea Extract), WAter weight (cranberry), Noni (tahitian fruit). will these pills help my piss of my fat burned?
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Active Member
just stop its only 2 weeks weed is in ur blood and fat so there is no point in drinking heaps of water for 2 weeks stright and and a day before ur test drink pinapple juice and beattroot juiice and just before ur test drink apple juice it goes through ur system in like 10 min so wot ever is left in ur blood should be finned out ( i do drug test all the time so it works)


Well-Known Member
just stop its only 2 weeks weed is in ur blood and fat so there is no point in drinking heaps of water for 2 weeks stright and and a day before ur test drink pinapple juice and beattroot juiice and just before ur test drink apple juice it goes through ur system in like 10 min so wot ever is left in ur blood should be finned out ( i do drug test all the time so it works)
i did quit silly of course hehe. well not quit but temp-quit. ne wayz like i said i tihnk it's gonna be closer than i thouight. so natural juice huh.


Well-Known Member
Everyones metabolism is different.Ive failed a drug test after 33 days of no smoke, im 6'4" 195 lbs. good luck man !!


Active Member
i passed my test the day after my boss told me i have a test and i smoked 5 days before so its possible