Drugs changed my world. [long]

I almost cried reading this :c

Awh no need! Cause I am lovely now! I love myself & life & all that great stuff c:
And although I do take acid maybe like once every month or two, I don't NEED drugs to stay happy.
But it does give me a nice little reality check when I am down. Kind of like therapy.
Puts me back in line and reminds me of what's really important in life.
I truly think everyone should do hallucinogens at least once in their life. It really does expand you mind to new horizons. You're just a different person after the first time you get a good 'what's it all mean?' trip you're never the same, and usually for the better.
"Yesterday is history, tommorrow is a mistery, but today is a gift, thats why we call it the present"
Master Oogway

Don't let your past define you, nothing is wrong everything is changeing into something else.
I truly think everyone should do hallucinogens at least once in their life. It really does expand you mind to new horizons. You're just a different person after the first time you get a good 'what's it all mean?' trip you're never the same, and usually for the better.

It's a beautiful thing.
i used to get pissed alot and just go on rages i throw shit across the room id break a ton of stuff before this was all over and just screw stuff up i have social issues so it alot different trying to talk to people. i could get into fights with my parents and id go to school and never did any work cause i was too busy haveing my mind run all different directions. till i smoke some really tasty pot. i stoped fighting with my mom though i did get kicked out for the whole throwing stuff. i finally realized it was all my parents is why i could break stuff and get F's after that i just started working got my own place and now i dont even bother with my parents. school will be the only thing im worried about.