Dry and Curing, PLS HELP!!!!!! asap beginner, buds damp in curing????


Active Member
Hey....ok so i only let me plants dry for like 3-4 days they seemed to b prettty crisp. and i wasn;t going to be able to put them in the jars, so i had to do them alittle early... When i open the jars now, the buds feel moist. does that happen all the time becuz the bud absords moisture in the jar, or should i take out my buds let them dry for a day or two(out of the jars), and than go back to the curing process. I just want them to smell legit, I feel like the smelll mite be coming back, but still kinda smells like plant/drizzzzy dro...

can someone please help!! asap!!

should i take bud out of jars to let dry for a day or two than go back to curing, will this affect my smell and the curing?....

pls help, beginner here, thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Open the jars for a couple hours each day to let moisture out, if they seem very damp then yeah leave them out again for a day or a night.


Active Member
for best results you want a slower drying procces,and when you first put the buds in the jar u want to open the jar frequently the first day,and less each day..

if it is wet again,then take the buds out to dry again,then put them back in the jar to get the rest of the moisture from inside the buds.

also trim off most of the leaves,and it will take more of that grassy smell off


Active Member
im leaving them out, and i will get them back in the jars, is a good schedule? .. 10 min every day for first threee days, than every 3 days open it for a little? till 2 weeks? its weird the buds are madddd moist but the jar tops are not wet. But thats a good thing. i fuckin hate mold, it was so annoyin when i was growin boooomers


Well-Known Member
no prune and manicure before jars. take out of jars and spread out for 10 min every day then put back in in a diffrent order for a week and half then once a week do that


Active Member
It does not matter to much when you trim.
As far as your weed. If the stems when you bend them crack then put them back into the jar imo. If they do not use either a brown paper bag and shake them 3-6 times a day till the stems are cracking. Or hang them with a fan on them until same results.

P.s. Meh my grammar tonight you all know why,,


Well-Known Member
It does not matter to much when you trim.
As far as your weed. If the stems when you bend them crack then put them back into the jar imo. If they do not use either a brown paper bag and shake them 3-6 times a day till the stems are cracking. Or hang them with a fan on them until same results.
well not straight just break, thats too dry, but bend alittle then break


Active Member
i like to clean the jars out before putting bud back into them..to clean off that nasty smell that the jar had when u took the buds out.


Active Member
they just dried for 2 days, the stems still dont seem to hard. like when you bend them they bend and dont bread. But the fucks are dry as shit. Maybe the room is too cold, they just dried so fast. But i'm gonna out back in the jars and repeat processs above stated