Dry Crispy Leaves!


Active Member
Two of my plants got leaves that are curling up and drying out. I just put them under a 400wHPS, they used to be under a bunch of CFLS. well here's the pics.

Also the last one is one of my seedlings that's been having perfectly green but drooping leaves for the past week



Well-Known Member
400watts alotta light = Alotta heat .....looks like heat stress what kinda ventilation u got going in there?


Active Member
Well I've got a 12 in fan and a celling fan that both run for most of the day. I just put them under the HPS so I know it's not from that.

Should I clip the leaves that are drying out? Also when should I clip them? i.e. when most of the entire leaf dries out?


Well-Known Member
Most likely if tha entire leaf dries out it ill fall off on its own if not jus give it a gentle tug it should come right off


Active Member
sooo..... you saw the leaves were dead and dried before or after you put them under the hps...???
this was all before. well the newer leaves are a lighter green. some of my babies are looking iffy to. what could be causing the leaves to droop too?



Well-Known Member
your soil seems to be a bit hot for those plants my friend (nutient wise)---the tips of your leaves are crispy and dry and curling severly which is indicative of overfeeding. another pointer for you is that your plants seem to be getting a little bit too much water-my reason for saying this is because your plants leaves are drooping downwards like the shape of an umbrella-which is again a sign of overweatering.(either overwatering or your soil is not letting enough oxygen circulate around the rootball/mass.) both will retain moisture round the rootmass/ball depriving the plan of aeration... hope this helps you my friend


Active Member
That was exactly it. I stopped feeding them for the past week and they are doing much better. I am using a 10-15-10 fertilizer for Veg but I am about to go to flowering in a couple weeks, what kind of fertilizer should I switch to?


Well-Known Member
During flowering you need a fert. Wit a high phosporous content some nitrogen is needed also I use miracle grow 20-20-20 for flower it covers all areas