Dry Ice CO2...


For some reason my roommate thinks that dry ice discharge is gonna be healthy for the plants due to dry ice releasing co2. We have no way of controlling the amount that comes out except on how big of a hole we have in the box...

Whats your guys opinions about this? Helpful?


Well-Known Member
it ill be beneficial to your plants. Like you said it is very hard to control and for a constant PPM you would have to figure out how to control the output and how much dry ice is needed for a specific amount of time. I have read several growers use dry ice once or twice a week in a sealed grow room (no ventilation)


Money is not a issue due to getting out dry ice from our work....

Make a whole foam ice cheat full of dry ice... and then just tore a hole in the side..


Well-Known Member
if it doesnt cost you anything then I would definitely be putting dry ice in for CO2 it will be beneficial