Dry Ice extraction


Well-Known Member
I see posts from people complaining about popcorn buds. I love them. After I trim the decent sized buds off the plant I literally strip the popcorn off with my hands, dry it, and save it up until I have enough to bother with. This is the result. And for the record, that popcorn bud isn't going to make the main cola's any smaller if you leave it. This is why I never trim anything off of my plants.



Well-Known Member
I see posts from people complaining about popcorn buds. I love them. After I trim the decent sized buds off the plant I literally strip the popcorn off with my hands, dry it, and save it up until I have enough to bother with. This is the result. And for the record, that popcorn bud isn't going to make the main cola's any smaller if you leave it. This is why I never trim anything off of my plants.

so when's the BBQ?:weed:

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Do you know the amount that was used to make that? It looks really nice btw :). I dry tumble mine in a modified drum humidifier sitting in the freezer. Works great but always trying to up the game lol.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
No do you chop your plant and put it straight in the freezer or do you dry and cure before you dry ice hash
lol, oops, just got off work and drank a couple margaritas and smoked 2 bowls...

i save up popcorn buds, let them dry, then use them for various products; qwiso hash, bho hash, cannabutter, infused coconut oil and topical lotions/salves...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Have you got a pic of the drum?
No lol, I dismantled it because I ran out of drain filters and used the screen, works great for that too lol. I’ll recover the drum before fall when I bring in the crop :). Basically I took the foam off the drum and wrapped it with 120 silkscreen and clamped it in with big 7” gear clamps. I use hot glue to close the seam in the screen. It turns really slow so it takes about 2-3 days of tumbling to get a good tray, to long and it’s not the putty black I like :).


Well-Known Member
Do you use fresh frozen for your dry ice extraction
I dry it and save it. I put it in the freezer a few hours before processing.

Do you know the amount that was used to make that? It looks really nice btw :). I dry tumble mine in a modified drum humidifier sitting in the freezer. Works great but always trying to up the game lol.
I don't have a clue regarding weight. About five 1 gallon ziploc bags full. It was saved up from a few grows.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I dry it and save it. I put it in the freezer a few hours before processing.

I don't have a clue regarding weight. About five 1 gallon ziploc bags full. It was saved up from a few grows.
I would think close to 5ish lbs then? I now make all my trim, etc. into BHO as I never have enough for hash but hopefully this harvest I’ll get the machine going. I wonder if chunks of the ice would help in the tumbler, if they didn’t freeze and break the screen, lol. Again very nice, have you compressed any?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
whatever they sell up front in groceries stores is what i use. always have to buy more than i need...
Fuck I’m pretty sure we have to get it from a specialty place here :(. Grocery stores don’t sell it. Is there really a big difference from this method as opposed to bubble bags? Does it still do a full melt when smoking it? I need to read more lol.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i must be a caveman. i have a 5 gallon bucket, a piece of 110 silk screen material, and an arm to shake it.
when i get a gallon jug full in the freezer, i get a couple of pounds of dry ice, smash it with a hammer, pour it and my trim onto the piece of silk screen material, and shake the fuck out of it into the bucket. i stop occasionally to collect it, when i stop getting much from shaking it, that's done, i throw it in the compost bucket. i almost always get ten grams or more from this, last time got 13, from one gallon jug of shake and trim

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ya my technique is for lazy people and it’s slow like polished rock tumbling lol.That’s a lot more than I get and I use buds when tumbling but I do like what I get :). We use to make bubble but on a large scale in 45 gallon drums then press into hockey puck sized discs. Actually tried to used a electric trolling motor to mix it on the first run with the ice lol, that was a long time ago sadly :(.