Dry Ice Hash... Very simple and easy


Hey peoples. Newbie here... Just starting my first grow. I will be asking some question in other threads, but going to wait till I'm out of Veg cycle before I start bothering people... lol or if I even make it to flowering cycle. Anyways... Haven't really seen a easy How to for hash from the trim left over so I though I would make this my first post. Hope u enjoy the video...bongsmilie

EDIT: I know the screens for making/pressing T-Shit logos can be subed for the bags



Well-Known Member
i just did this technique with my 5 gal. 73 micron bag and came out with 75 grams of kief/hash whatever... i used approximately 450 grams of sugar leaf, and 15 pounds of dry ice. this technique is SOO much easier and less time consuming than using ice and water, in the traditional bubble hash method. Good Luck! it works REALLY well....


Well-Known Member
finally something new on this forum, dope techniquie, +rep. looks easy and effecient


Well-Known Member
I just finished making some! Used 2 sandwich bags of bud clippings and yielded 14 grams of hash.
The hash is a little green from some veg matter getting through, but I did shake the bejezus out of it. Also used the 225 micron bag over the bucket.
