Dry Ice - worth using once, free?


Well-Known Member
Growing 9 plants in 2 X 4 X 6 foot box. In week 4 flower already using CO2 bucket. Today at work I got some lab samples packed in dry ice. Seems a shame to throw out that solid CO2. Any harm in bringing it to my plants this evening? Sort of like a treat for the dog?



Well-Known Member
9 plants in a 2w x 4d x 6h? Sounds cramped.
Tight it is. I built the box for 2 four foot four tube T5's. Barney's Blue Cheese. I gotta ride this one out though I'll never try this many in that box again. So far so good though - nice buds forming. 4" inline fan exhausting through carbon filter with 2 circulation fans inside and passive inlet vents on both bottom walls. Ventilation important in such a small space. My original thought was to flower early and go for 10 main colas. Didn't realize how bushy these plants would get. I've added some supplemental CFL's. It's a jungle for sure.